Costantino Budroni
Group Leader YIRG (Univie)
Email: Costantino.Budroni(at)oeaw.ac.at
Telephone: (+ 43 1) 51581-9524
Biographical sketch
Professional Status
2019-present: Co-group leader of the Young Independent Researcher Group (YIRG) at the University of Vienna and the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
2017-2019: Postdoc at IQOQI-Vienna (C. Brukner's group)
FWF Lise-Meitner fellow
2014-2016: Postdoc at University of Siegen (O. Gühne's group)
2014: PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics, University of Siegen, Germany
2009: MSc in Physics, University of Pisa, Italy