• Chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and multi-photon entanglement in silicon
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  • Exploring the limits of no backwards in time signalling
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  • Physics without determinism: Alternative interpretations of classical physics
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  • Overcoming Noise in Entanglement Distribution
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  • Demolishing Prejudices to Get to the Foundations: A Criterion of Demarcation for Fundamentality
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  • Concepts of work in autonomous quantum heat engines
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  • Conditional nonclassical field generation in cavity QED
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  • Experimental few-copy multipartite entanglement detection
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  • Relativistic Quantum Reference Frames: The Operational Meaning of Spin
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  • Bell's theorem for temporal order
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order
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  • Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions
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  • Karl Popper's Forgotten Role in the Quantum Debate at the Edge between Philosophy and Physics in 1950s and 1960s
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  • Feasibility of a 3U CubeSat for uplink quantum communications
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  • Coherence and Asymmetry Cannot be Broadcast
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  • Communication through quantum-controlled noise
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  • Quantum Information Experiments with Multiple Photons in One and High-Dimensions: Concepts and Experiments
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  • Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum Superposition
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  • Comment on Healey’s “Quantum Theory and the Limits of Objectivity”
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  • Striving for Realism, Not for Determinism: Historical Misconceptions on Einstein and Bohm
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  • Switching Internal Times and a New Perspective on the ‘Wave Function of the Universe’
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  • Quantum process tomography of a high-dimensional quantum communication channel
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  • Theoretical research without projects
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  • Cavity Cooling of a Levitated Nanosphere by Coherent Scattering
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  • Entanglement distribution over a 96-km-longsubmarine optical fiber
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  • Arbitrary d-dimensional Pauli X gates of a flying qudit
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  • Causal loops: Logically consistent correlations, time travel, and computation
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  • Quantum mechanics and the covariance of physical laws in quantum reference frames
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  • Composition rules for quantum processes: a no-go theorem
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  • Memory-efficient tracking of complex temporal and symbolic dynamics with quantum simulators
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  • Response to “The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant”
    Lluís Masanes, Thomas D. Galley, Markus P. Müller
    Quantum Journal, 9, 1592 (2025)
  • Strain-enabled control of the vanadium qudit in silicon carbide
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  • Quantum Gravity Signature in a Thermodynamic Observable
    Thomas Strasser, Marios Christodoulou, Richard Howl, Časlav Brukner
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  • No quantum advantage for violating fixed-order inequalities?
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  • Quantum Reference Frames in Spacetime
    Viktoria Sophia Kabel
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  • Quantum conformal symmetries for spacetimes in superposition
    Viktoria Kabel, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner
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  • Quantum reference frames for special and general relativistic systems: quantum relationality and indefinite causality
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  • Theory-independent monitoring of the decoherence of a superconducting qubit with generalized contextuality
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  • Key Issues Review: Useful autonomous quantum machines
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  • Quantum clocks and the measurability of spacetime distances
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  • What resources do agents need to acquire knowledge in Quantum Thermodynamics?
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  • Relating Wigner’s Friend Scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
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  • Steady-state entanglement of interacting masses in free space through optimal feedback control
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  • Photonic entanglement exposed to non-inertial reference frames
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  • Purifying Photon Indistinguishability through Quantum Interference
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  • Photonic Entanglement and Polarization Nonclassicality: Two Manifestations, One Nature
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  • The sum of entanglement and subsystem coherence is invariant under quantum reference frame transformations
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  • Bell inequalities as a tool to probe quantum chaos
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  • Experimental observation of Earth’s rotation with quantum entanglement
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  • Emergence of a second law of thermodynamics in isolated quantum systems
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  • Resource-theoretic hierarchy of contextuality for general probabilistic theories
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  • What an event is not: unravelling the identity of events in quantum theory and gravity
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  • Broadcasting Quantum Information using Finite Resources
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  • Quantum communication networks with defects in silicon carbide
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  • Microelectronic readout of a diamond quantum sensor
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  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise
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  • Photonic entanglement during a zero-g flight
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  • Identification is Pointless: Quantum Reference Frames, Localisation of Events, and the Quantum Hole Argument
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  • Gravitational quantum switch on a superposition of spherical shells
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  • Quantum state tomography of undetected photons
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  • Autonomous Quantum Processing Unit: What does it take to construct a self-contained model for quantum computation?
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  • Bounding entanglement dimensionality from the covariance matrix
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  • Strategies for generating, distributing and certifying entanglement in photonic systems
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  • Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential control
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  • Time-Efficient Constant-Space-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
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  • Witnessing environment dimension through temporal correlations
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  • Diagrams and GPTs for Quantum Gravity
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  • Multi-copy activation of genuine multipartite entanglement in continuous-variable systems
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  • Hawking radiation for detectors in superposition of locations outside a black hole
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  • Self-Testing in Prepare-and-Measure Scenarios and a Robust Version of Wigner’s Theorem
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  • Ultra-narrow inhomogeneous spectral distribution of telecom-wavelength vanadium centres in isotopically-enriched silicon carbide
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  • Using a resource theoretic perspective to witness and engineer quantum generalized contextuality for prepare-and-measure scenarios
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  • Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?
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  • Fundamental Accuracy-Resolution Trade-Off for Timekeeping Devices
    Florian Meier, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Paul Erker, Marcus Huber
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  • Quantum Coding with Finite Thermodynamic Resources
    Jake Xuereb, Tiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Paul Erker
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  • Collective Advantages in Finite-Time Thermodynamics
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  • Verification of continuous-variable quantum memories
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  • On playing gods: The fallacy of the many-worlds interpretation
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  • Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishability
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  • Experimental high-dimensional entanglement certification and quantum steering with time-energy measurements
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  • Resource-Efficient High-Dimensional Entanglement Detection via Symmetric Projections
    Simon Morelli, Marcus Huber, Armin Tavakoli
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  • The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubits
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  • Incompleteness Theorems for Observables in General Relativity
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  • Impact of Imperfect Timekeeping on Quantum Control
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  • Extracting quantum dynamical resources: consumption of non-Markovianity for noise reduction
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  • On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compression
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  • Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversible
    Thomas D. Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, John H. Selby
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  • Admissible Causal Structures and Correlations
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  • Testing Quantum Theory by Generalizing Noncontextuality
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  • Building a quantum superposition of conscious states with integrated information theory
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  • Compatibility of all noisy qubit observables
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  • Detecting Gravitationally Interacting Dark Matter with Quantum Interference
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  • Correspondence between entangled states and entangled bases under local transformations
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  • Provably superior accuracy in quantum stochastic modeling
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  • Quantum advantages for transportation tasks-projectiles, rockets and quantum backflow
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  • Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programming
    Mateus Araújo, Marcus Huber, Miguel Navascués, Matej Pivoluska, Armin Tavakoli
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  • Characterizing Entanglement Dimensionality from Randomized Measurements
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  • Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic Readout
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  • Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor
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  • Leggett-Garg macrorealism and temporal correlations
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  • Certification of non-classicality in all links of a photonic star network without assuming quantum mechanics
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  • Nonlocal Temporal Interferometry for Highly Resilient Free-Space Quantum Communication
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  • Quantum Physics Falls Apart without Imaginary Numbers
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  • Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?
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  • Classical Cost of Transmitting a Qubit
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  • Universal Quantum Rewinding Protocol with an Arbitrarily High Probability of Success
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  • Experimental higher-order interference in a nonlinear triple slit
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  • Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum Gravity
    Marios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Markus Aspelmeyer, Časlav Brukner, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Howl
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  • Quantum Correlations in the Minimal Scenario
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  • Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to Minimizing
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  • Geometry Transition in Spinfoams
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  • Gravitational time dilation as a resource in quantum sensing
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  • The Open Past in an Indeterministic Physics
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  • Deploying an Inter-European Quantum Network
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  • Physik-Nobelpreis 2022 - Geschichte eines Forschungsweges
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  • The Road to and from Quantum Entanglement Experiments
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  • Recycling nonlocality in quantum star networks
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  • Gravity entanglement, quantum reference systems, degrees of freedom
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  • Proposal for spin squeezing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals with a four-color scheme
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  • Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)
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  • Spatial and spectral characterization of photon pairs at telecommunication wavelengths from type-0 spontaneous parametric downconversion
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  • Entanglement-assisted quantum communication with simple measurements
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  • Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplitters
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  • Entanglement-Asymmetry Correspondence for Internal Quantum Reference Frames
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  • Comment on 'Quantum principle of relativity'
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  • Controlling wave-particle duality with entanglement between single-photon and Bell states
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  • Quantum diffeomorphisms cannot make indefinite causal order definite
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  • "Philosophysics" at the University of Vienna: The (Pre-)History of Foundations of Quantum Physics in the Viennese Cultural Context
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  • Continuous entanglement distribution over a transnational 248 km fiber link
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  • An experiment to test the discreteness of time
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  • Experimental entanglement generation for quantum key distribution beyond 1 Gbit/s
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  • EPR steering in symmetrical Gaussian states
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  • Adaptive Advantage in Entanglement-Assisted Communications
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  • Wigner’s friend and relational objectivity
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  • Experimental optimal verification of three-dimensional entanglement on a silicon chip
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  • Unconditionally secure digital signatures implemented in an eight-user quantum network
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  • Tunable light-induced dipole-dipole interaction between optically levitated nanoparticles
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  • Resource theory of causal connection
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  • Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement incompatibility
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  • Stochastic gradient line Bayesian optimization for efficient noise-robust optimization of parameterized quantum circuits
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  • Entanglement Swapping and Quantum Correlations via Symmetric Joint Measurements
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  • The classical cost of transmitting a qubit
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  • Quantum researcher mobility: the wonderful wizard of Oz who paid for Dorothy's visa fees
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  • Quantum indistinguishability by path identity and with undetected photons
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  • Quantum advantage using high-dimensional twisted photons as quantum finite automata
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  • Entanglement in prepare-and-measure scenarios: many questions, a few answers
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  • Activation of genuine multipartite entanglement: Beyond the single-copy paradigm of entanglement characterisation
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  • Hidden Quantum Memory: Is Memory There When Somebody Looks?
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  • Single-photon nonlocality in quantum networks
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  • Operational nonclassicality in minimal autonomous thermal machines
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  • Inferring work by quantum superposing forward and time-reversal evolutions
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  • When Zeh Meets Feynman: How to Avoid the Appearance of a Classical World in Gravity Experiments
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  • Experimental implementation of secure anonymous protocols on an eight-user quantum key distribution network
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  • Quantum Darwinism and the spreading of classical information in non-classical theories
    Roberto D. Baldijao, Marius Krumm, Andrew J. P. Garner, Markus P. Mueller
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  • Testing Real Quantum Theory in an Optical Quantum Network
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  • Temporal correlations in the simplest measurement sequences
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  • Quantum Adaptive Agents with Efficient Long-Term Memories
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  • Full Network Nonlocality
    Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Nicolas Gisin, Armin Tavakoli
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  • Informationally restricted correlations: a general framework for classical and quantum systems
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  • Experimental Space-Division Multiplexed Polarization-Entanglement Distribution through 12 Paths of a Multicore Fiber
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  • Quantum theory based on real numbers can be experimentally falsified
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  • Physics without determinism: Alternative interpretations of classical physics
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  • Leggett-Garg macrorealism and the quantum nondisturbance conditions
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  • Demolishing Prejudices to Get to the Foundations: A Criterion of Demarcation for Fundamentality
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  • Concepts of work in autonomous quantum heat engines
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  • Conditional nonclassical field generation in cavity QED
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  • Experimental Two‐Way Communication with One Photon
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  • Relativistic Quantum Reference Frames: The Operational Meaning of Spin
    Giacomini F., E. Castro-Ruiz, C. Brukner
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  • Bell's theorem for temporal order
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order
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  • Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions
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  • Karl Popper's Forgotten Role in the Quantum Debate at the Edge between Philosophy and Physics in 1950s and 1960s
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  • Feasibility of a 3U CubeSat for uplink quantum communications
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  • Communication through quantum-controlled noise
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  • Time evolution of coupled multimode and multiresonator optomechanical systems
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  • Quantum Information Experiments with Multiple Photons in One and High-Dimensions: Concepts and Experiments
    Manuel Erhard, Mario Krenn, Xumei Gu, Mehul Malik, Anton Zeilinger
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  • Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum Superposition
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  • Comment on Healey’s “Quantum Theory and the Limits of Objectivity”
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  • Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity
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  • On small beams with large topological charge: II. Photons, electrons and gravitational waves
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  • Almost-Quantum Correlations Violate the No-Restriction Hypothesis
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  • Quantum Theory as a Principle Theory: Insights from an Information-Theoretic Reconstruction
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  • Eigenstate Thermalization for Degenerate Observables
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  • Dynamics of Quantum Causal Structures
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  • Layered quantum key distribution
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  • Twisted photons: new quantum perspectives in high dimensions
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  • Gouy Phase Radial Mode Sorter for Light: Concepts and Experiments
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  • On the entanglement entropy of quantum fields in causal sets
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  • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Its geometric quantification and witness
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  • Quantum Horn’s lemma, finite heat baths, and the third law of thermodynamics
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  • Characterizing Genuine Multilevel Entanglement
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  • Loss of information in quantum guessing game
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  • Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments
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  • Bond dimension witnesses and the structure of homogeneous matrix product states
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  • Holographic spin networks from tensor network states
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  • Satellite-Relayed Intercontinental Quantum Network
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  • Generalized eigenstate typicality in translation-invariant quasifree fermionic models
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  • Quantum teleportation, onwards and upwards
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  • Mit Lichtschrauben ans Quantenlimit
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  • Response to “The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant”
    Lluís Masanes, Thomas D. Galley, Markus P. Müller
    Quantum Journal, 9, 1592 (2025)
  • Strain-enabled control of the vanadium qudit in silicon carbide
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  • Quantum conformal symmetries for spacetimes in superposition
    Viktoria Kabel, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner
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    Gerard Higgins, Andrea Di Biagio, Marios Christodoulou
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  • Quantum reference frames for special and general relativistic systems: quantum relationality and indefinite causality
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  • Theory-independent monitoring of the decoherence of a superconducting qubit with generalized contextuality
    Albert Aloy, Matteo Fadel, Thomas D. Galley, Caroline L. Jones, Markus P. Müller
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  • Key Issues Review: Useful autonomous quantum machines
    José Antonio Marín Guzmán, Paul Erker, Simone Gasparinetti, Marcus Huber, Nicole Yunger Halpern
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    Albert Aloy, Thomas D. Galley, Caroline L. Jones, Stefan L. Ludescher, Markus P. Müller
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  • Quantum clocks and the measurability of spacetime distances
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  • What resources do agents need to acquire knowledge in Quantum Thermodynamics?
    Jake Xuereb, A. de Oliveira Junior, Fabien Clivaz, Pharnam Bakhshinezhad, Marcus Huber
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  • Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Detection with Imperfect Measurements: Concept and Experiment
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  • Relating Wigner’s Friend Scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
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  • Wigner’s friend’s memory and the no-signaling principle
    Veronika Baumann, Časlav Brukner
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  • Characteristic time scales for the geometry transition of a black hole to a white hole from spinfoams
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  • Causality and computation in dynamical spacetime
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  • Quantum generalisation of Einstein's equivalence principle can be verified with entangled clocks as quantum reference frames
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  • Steady-state entanglement of interacting masses in free space through optimal feedback control
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  • Quantum Reference Frames for Lorentz Symmetry
    Luca Apadula, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner
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  • Nonequilibrium entanglement between levitated masses under optimal control
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  • Photonic entanglement exposed to non-inertial reference frames
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  • Remote sensing of a levitated superconductor with a flux-tunable microwave cavity
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  • Non-Hermitian dynamics and non-reciprocity of optically coupled nanoparticles
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  • Experimental aspects of indefinite causal order in quantum mechanics
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  • Purifying Photon Indistinguishability through Quantum Interference
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  • Characterising transformations between quantum objects, 'completeness' of quantum properties, and transformations without a fixed causal order
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  • Photonic Entanglement and Polarization Nonclassicality: Two Manifestations, One Nature
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  • Precision is not limited by the second law of thermodynamics
    Florian Meier, Yuri Minoguchi, Simon Sundelin, Tony J. G. Apollaro, Paul Erker, Simone Gasparinetti, Marcus Huber
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  • The sum of entanglement and subsystem coherence is invariant under quantum reference frame transformations
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  • Three-outcome multipartite Bell inequalities: applications to dimension witnessing and spin-nematic squeezing in many-body systems
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  • Bell inequalities as a tool to probe quantum chaos
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  • Experimental observation of Earth’s rotation with quantum entanglement
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  • What an event is not: unravelling the identity of events in quantum theory and gravity
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  • Microelectronic readout of a diamond quantum sensor
    Daniel Wirtitsch, Georg Wachter, Sarah Reisenbauer, Johannes Schalko, Ulrich Schmid, Andrea Fant, Luca Sant, Michael Trupke
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  • Particle detectors in superposition in de Sitter spacetime
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  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise
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  • Photonic entanglement during a zero-g flight
    Julius Bittermann, Lukas Bulla, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Matthias Fink, Martin Bohmann, Nicolai Friis, Marcus Huber, Rupert Ursin
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  • Identification is Pointless: Quantum Reference Frames, Localisation of Events, and the Quantum Hole Argument
    Viktoria Kabel, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Luca Apadula, Carlo Cepollaro, Henrique Gomes, Jeremy Butterfield, Časlav Brukner
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  • On the significance of Wigner's Friend in contexts beyond quantum foundations
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  • Gravitational quantum switch on a superposition of spherical shells
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  • Quantum state tomography of undetected photons
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  • Autonomous Quantum Processing Unit: What does it take to construct a self-contained model for quantum computation?
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  • Bounding entanglement dimensionality from the covariance matrix
    Shuheng Liu, Matteo Fadel, Qiongyi He, Marcus Huber, Giuseppe Vitagliano
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  • Strategies for generating, distributing and certifying entanglement in photonic systems
    Lukas Achatz
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  • Correlation constraints and the Bloch geometry of two qubits
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  • State-independent quantum key distribution
    Robert Kindler, Johannes Handsteiner, Jaroslav Kysela, Kuntuo Zhu, Bo Liu, Anton Zeilinger
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  • Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential control
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  • Time-Efficient Constant-Space-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
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  • Witnessing environment dimension through temporal correlations
    Lucas B. Vieira, Simon Milz, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Costantino Budroni
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  • Diagrams and GPTs for Quantum Gravity
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  • Multi-copy activation of genuine multipartite entanglement in continuous-variable systems
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  • Hawking radiation for detectors in superposition of locations outside a black hole
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  • Self-Testing in Prepare-and-Measure Scenarios and a Robust Version of Wigner’s Theorem
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  • Ultra-narrow inhomogeneous spectral distribution of telecom-wavelength vanadium centres in isotopically-enriched silicon carbide
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  • Using a resource theoretic perspective to witness and engineer quantum generalized contextuality for prepare-and-measure scenarios
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  • Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?
    Thomas D. Galley
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  • Quantum reference frames at the boundary of spacetime
    Viktoria Kabel, Časlav Brukner, Wolfgang Wieland
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  • Fundamental Accuracy-Resolution Trade-Off for Timekeeping Devices
    Florian Meier, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Paul Erker, Marcus Huber
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  • Quantum Coding with Finite Thermodynamic Resources
    Jake Xuereb, Tiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Paul Erker
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  • Collective Advantages in Finite-Time Thermodynamics
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  • Verification of continuous-variable quantum memories
    Paolo Abiuso
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  • On playing gods: The fallacy of the many-worlds interpretation
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  • Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishability
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  • Experimental high-dimensional entanglement certification and quantum steering with time-energy measurements
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  • Resource-Efficient High-Dimensional Entanglement Detection via Symmetric Projections
    Simon Morelli, Marcus Huber, Armin Tavakoli
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  • The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubits
    Martin J. Renner, Marco Túlio Quintino
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  • Incompleteness Theorems for Observables in General Relativity
    Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos, George Sparling, Marios Christodoulou
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  • Impact of Imperfect Timekeeping on Quantum Control
    Jake Xuereb, Paul Erker, Florian Meier, Mark T. Mitchison, Marcus Huber
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  • Extracting quantum dynamical resources: consumption of non-Markovianity for noise reduction
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  • On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compression
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  • Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversible
    Thomas D. Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, John H. Selby
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  • Admissible Causal Structures and Correlations
    Eleftherios-Ermis Tselentis, Ämin Baumeler
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  • Testing Quantum Theory by Generalizing Noncontextuality
    Markus P. Müller, Andrew J. P. Garner
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  • Building a quantum superposition of conscious states with integrated information theory
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  • Relating Wigner's Friend scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
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  • Compatibility of all noisy qubit observables
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    Su Direkci, Klemens Winkler, Corentin Gut, Klemens Hammerer, Markus Aspelmeyer, Yanbei Chen
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  • Detecting Gravitationally Interacting Dark Matter with Quantum Interference
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    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner
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  • Correspondence between entangled states and entangled bases under local transformations
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  • Provably superior accuracy in quantum stochastic modeling
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  • High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures
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  • DiVincenzo-like criteria for autonomous quantum machines
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  • Quantum advantages for transportation tasks-projectiles, rockets and quantum backflow
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  • Free Agency and Determinism: Is There a Sensible Definition of Computational Sourcehood?
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  • Linear Ultrastrong Optomechanical Interaction
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  • Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programming
    Mateus Araújo, Marcus Huber, Miguel Navascués, Matej Pivoluska, Armin Tavakoli
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  • Characterizing Entanglement Dimensionality from Randomized Measurements
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order in a photonic quantum switch
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  • Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic Readout
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  • Relativistic locality can imply subsystem locality
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  • Dissipative phase transitions in optomechanical systems
    Fatemeh Bibak, Uroš Delić, Markus Aspelmeyer, Borivoje Dakić
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  • Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor
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  • Entanglement of particles versus entanglement of fields: Independent quantum resources
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  • Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios
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  • Leggett-Garg macrorealism and temporal correlations
    Vitagliano G., C. Budroni
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  • Certification of non-classicality in all links of a photonic star network without assuming quantum mechanics
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  • Nonlocal Temporal Interferometry for Highly Resilient Free-Space Quantum Communication
    Lukas Bulla, Matej Pivoluska, Kristian Hjorth, Oskar Kohout, Jan Lang, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Julius Bittermann, Robert Kindler, Marcus Huber, Martin Bohmann, Rupert Ursin
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  • Quantum Physics Falls Apart without Imaginary Numbers
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  • Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?
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  • Classical Cost of Transmitting a Qubit
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  • Universal Quantum Rewinding Protocol with an Arbitrarily High Probability of Success
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  • Experimental higher-order interference in a nonlinear triple slit
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  • Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum Gravity
    Marios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Markus Aspelmeyer, Časlav Brukner, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Howl
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  • Quantum Correlations in the Minimal Scenario
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  • Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to Minimizing
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  • One-Photon Measurement of Two-Photon Entanglement
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  • Geometry Transition in Spinfoams
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  • Gravitational time dilation as a resource in quantum sensing
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  • The Open Past in an Indeterministic Physics
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  • Deploying an Inter-European Quantum Network
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  • Physik-Nobelpreis 2022 - Geschichte eines Forschungsweges
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  • The Road to and from Quantum Entanglement Experiments
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  • Steering-enhanced quantum metrology using superpositions of noisy phase shifts
    Lee K.-Y., J.-D. Lin, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, H.-Y. Ku, Y.-N. Chen
  • Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensembles
    Vitagliano G., M. Fadel, I. Apellaniz, M. Kleinmann, B. Lucke, C. Klempt, G. Toth
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  • Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits
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  • Gravity entanglement, quantum reference systems, degrees of freedom
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  • Exploiting ionization dynamics in the nitrogen vacancy center for rapid, high-contrast spin, and charge state initialization
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  • Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)
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  • Spatial and spectral characterization of photon pairs at telecommunication wavelengths from type-0 spontaneous parametric downconversion
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  • Entanglement-assisted quantum communication with simple measurements
    Amélie Piveteau, Jef Pauwels, Emil Håkansson, Sadiq Muhammad, Mohamed Bourennane, Armin Tavakoli
    Nature Communications, 13, 7878 (2022)
  • Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplitters
    Daniel Martínez, Esteban S. Gómez, Jaime Cariñe, Luciano Pereira, Aldo Delgado, Stephen P. Walborn, Armin Tavakoli, Gustavo Lima
    Nature Physics (2022)
  • Entanglement-Asymmetry Correspondence for Internal Quantum Reference Frames
    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Stefan L. Ludescher, Markus P. Müller
    Physical Review Letters, 129, 260404 (2022)
  • Kochen-Specker contextuality
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  • Arbitrary unitaries in orbital angular momentum of single photons
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  • Dry launching of silica nanoparticles in vacuum
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  • Comment on 'Quantum principle of relativity'
    Del Santo F., S. Horvat
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  • Controlling wave-particle duality with entanglement between single-photon and Bell states
    Kai Wang, Daniel R. Terno, Časlav Brukner, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma
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  • Quantum diffeomorphisms cannot make indefinite causal order definite
    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Marios Christodoulou, Časlav Brukner
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  • Discrimination of coherent and incoherent cathodoluminescence using temporal photon correlations
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  • Internal quantum reference frames for finite Abelian groups
    Markus P. Müller, Philipp A. Höhn, Marius Krumm
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  • Force-Gradient Sensing and Entanglement via Feedback Cooling of Interacting Nanoparticles
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  • "Philosophysics" at the University of Vienna: The (Pre-)History of Foundations of Quantum Physics in the Viennese Cultural Context
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  • Continuous entanglement distribution over a transnational 248 km fiber link
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  • An experiment to test the discreteness of time
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  • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in symmetrical Gaussian states
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  • Experimental entanglement generation for quantum key distribution beyond 1 Gbit/s
    Sebastian Philipp Neumann, Mirela Selimovic, Martin Bohmann, Rupert Ursin
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  • EPR steering in symmetrical Gaussian states
    Eugenia Benech, Adriana Auyuanet, Arturo Lezama
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  • Adaptive Advantage in Entanglement-Assisted Communications
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  • Wigner’s friend and relational objectivity
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  • Experimental optimal verification of three-dimensional entanglement on a silicon chip
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  • Unconditionally secure digital signatures implemented in an eight-user quantum network
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  • Resource theory of causal connection
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  • The classical cost of transmitting a qubit
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  • Hidden Quantum Memory: Is Memory There When Somebody Looks?
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  • Operational nonclassicality in minimal autonomous thermal machines
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  • Quantum Darwinism and the spreading of classical information in non-classical theories
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  • Testing Real Quantum Theory in an Optical Quantum Network
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  • Full Network Nonlocality
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  • Informationally restricted correlations: a general framework for classical and quantum systems
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  • Physics without determinism: Alternative interpretations of classical physics
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  • Karl Popper's Forgotten Role in the Quantum Debate at the Edge between Philosophy and Physics in 1950s and 1960s
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  • Quantum computation with indefinite causal structures
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  • High-Dimensional Single-Photon Quantum Gates: Concepts and Experiments
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  • Quantum gate description for induced coherence without induced emission and its applications
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  • Quantification of multidimensional entanglement stored in a crystal
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  • Reflections on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics
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  • Operational framework for quantum measurement simulability
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  • Comment on "Peres experiment using photons: No test for hypercomplex (quaternionic) quantum theories"
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  • Macroscopic Superpositions as Quantum Ground States
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  • Genuine-multipartite entanglement criteria based on positive maps
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  • Most incompatible measurements for robust steering tests
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  • Autonomous Quantum Clocks: Does Thermodynamics Limit Our Ability to Measure Time?
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  • Quantifying high dimensional entanglement with two mutually unbiased bases
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  • Distribution of high-dimensional entanglement via an intra-city free-space link
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  • Sub-Shot-Noise Transmission Measurement Enabled by Active Feed-Forward of Heralded Single Photons
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  • Twin-photon correlations in single-photon interference
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  • Flexible resources for quantum metrology
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  • Light for the quantum. Entangled photons and their applications: a very personal perspective
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  • Can chaos be observed in quantum gravity?
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  • Entanglement and Nonlocality in Infinite 1D Systems
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  • On small beams with large topological charge: II. Photons, electrons and gravitational waves
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  • Quantum test of the equivalence principle for atoms in coherent superposition of internal energy states
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  • Focus on Gravitational Quantum Physics
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  • Bright nanoscale source of deterministic entangled photon pairs violating Bell's inequality
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  • Experimental test of photonic entanglement in accelerated reference frames
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  • A purification postulate for quantum mechanics with indefinite causal order
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  • Better local hidden variable models for two-qubit Werner states and an upper bound on the Grothendieck constant KG(3)
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  • Single-photon test of hyper-complex quantum theories using a metamaterial
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  • 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer using a flawed bit-string quantum protocol
    Martin Plesch, Marcin Pawłowski, Matej Pivoluska
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  • CubeSat quantum communications mission
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  • Which causal structures might support a quantum-classical gap?
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  • Experimental verification of an indefinite causal order
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  • Entanglement of quantum clocks through gravity
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  • Partial Polarization by Quantum Distinguishability
    Lahiri M., A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
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  • Quantifying Photonic High-Dimensional Entanglement
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  • Obtaining tight bounds on higher-order interferences with a 5-path interferometer
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  • Interference fringes controlled by noninterfering photons
    Hochrainer A., M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
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  • Quantum theory from rules on information acquisition
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  • A quantum router for high-dimensional entanglement
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  • Entanglement by Path Identity
    Krenn M., A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 080401 (2017)
  • Time dilation in quantum systems and decoherence
    Pikovski I., M. Zych, F. Costa, Č. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 025011 (2017)
  • Quantifying the momentum correlation between two light beams by detecting one
    Hochrainer A., M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
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  • No-Go Theorem for the Characterization of Work Fluctuations in Coherent Quantum Systems
    Perarnau-Llobet M., E. Baumer, K.V. Hovhannisyan, M. Huber, A. Acin
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  • Composing decoherence functionals
    Boës P., M. Navascués
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  • Cosmic Bell Test: Measurement Settings from Milky Way Stars
    Handsteiner J., A.S. Friedman, D. Rauch, J. Gallicchio, B. Liu, H. Hsop, J. Kofler, D. Bricher, M. Fink, C. Leung, A. Mark, H.T. Nguyen, I. Sanders, F. Steinlechner, R. Ursin, S. Wengerowsky, A.H. Guth, D.I. Kaiser, T. Scheidl, A. Zeilinger
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  • Orbital angular momentum of photons and the entanglement of Laguerre-Gaussian modes
    Krenn M., M. Malik, A. Zeilinger
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  • Is the local linearity of space-time inherited from the linearity of probabilities?
    Müller M., S. Carrozza, P.A. Höhn
    Journal of Physics A, 50, 054003 (2017)
  • Quantum theory from questions
    Höhn P.A., C.S.P. Wever
    Physical Review A, 95, 012102 (2017)


  • Response to “The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant”Lluís Masanes, Thomas D. Galley, Markus P. MüllerQuantum Journal9, 1592 (2025)
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  • Optimal thermometers with spin networksAbiuso P., P.A. Erdman, M. Ronen, F. Noe, G. Haack, M. Perarnau-LlobetQUANTUM SCI TECHNOL9, ARTN 035008 (2024)
  • Efficiently Cooling Quantum Systems with Finite Resources: Insights from Thermodynamic GeometryPhilip Taranto, Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Nayeli A. Rodríguez-Briones, Martí Perarnau-Llobet, Nicolai Friis, Marcus Huber, Pharnam BakhshinezhadarXiv:quant-ph2404.06649 [quant-ph] (2024)
  • Lower Bounds on Ground-State Energies of Local Hamiltonians through the Renormalization GroupIlya Kull, Norbert Schuch, Ben Dive, Miguel NavascuésPhys. Rev. X14, 021008 (2024)
  • Hollow-core fiber loading of nanoparticles into ultra-high vacuumStefan Lindner, Paul Juschitz, Jakob Rieser, Yaakov Y. Fein, Maxime Debiossac, Mario Ciampini, Markus Aspelmeyer, Nikolai KieselAppl. Phys. Lett124, 143501 (2024)
  • What an event is not: unravelling the identity of events in quantum theory and gravityAnne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Časlav BruknerarXiv:gr-qc2404.00159 [gr-qc] (2024)
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  • Quantum interference between distant creation processesPseiner J., M. Erhard, M. KrennPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH6, ARTN 013294 (2024)
  • Transformations in quantum networks via local operations assisted by finitely many rounds of classical communicationSpee C., T. KraftQUANTUM-AUSTRIA8, ARTN 1286 (2024)
  • Maglev for dark matter: Dark-photon and axion dark matter sensing with levitated superconductorsGerard Higgins, Saarik Kalia, Zhen LiuPhys. Rev. D109, 055024 (2024)
  • Spin-orbit photonic circuits for quantum simulationsFrancesco Di Colandrea, Amin Babazadeh, Alexandre Dauphin, Pietro Massignan, Lorenzo Marrucci, Filippo CardanoProc. SPIE 12911, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV12911 (2024)
  • Broadcasting Quantum Information using Finite ResourcesTiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Nicolai FriisarXiv:quant-ph2403.07660 [quant-ph] (2024)
  • Quantum communication networks with defects in silicon carbideSebastian Ecker, Matthias Fink, Thomas Scheidl, Philipp Sohr, Rupert Ursin, Muhammad Junaid Arshad, Cristian Bonato, Pasquale Cilibrizzi, Adam Gali, Péter Udvarhelyi, Alberto Politi, Oliver J. Trojak, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul Hassan, Ivan G. Ivanov, Nguyen Tien Son, Guido Burkard, Benedikt Tissot, Joop Hendriks, Carmem M. Gilardoni, Caspar H. van der Wal, Christian David, Thomas Astner, Philipp Koller, Michael TrupkearXiv:quant-ph2403.03284 [quant-ph] (2024)
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  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noiseS. Direkci, K. Winkler, C. Gut, K. Hammerer, M. Aspelmeyer, Y. ChenPhys. Rev. Research6, 013175 (2024)
  • Photonic entanglement during a zero-g flightJulius Bittermann, Lukas Bulla, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Matthias Fink, Martin Bohmann, Nicolai Friis, Marcus Huber, Rupert UrsinQuantum8, 1256 (2024)
  • Identification is Pointless: Quantum Reference Frames, Localisation of Events, and the Quantum Hole ArgumentViktoria Kabel, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Luca Apadula, Carlo Cepollaro, Henrique Gomes, Jeremy Butterfield, Časlav BruknerarXiv:quant-ph2402.10267 [quant-ph] (2024)
  • On the significance of Wigner's Friend in contexts beyond quantum foundationsCaroline L. Jones, Markus P. MuellerarXiv:quant-ph2402.08727 [quant-ph] (2024)
  • Gravitational quantum switch on a superposition of spherical shellsNatália S. Móller, Bruna Sahdo, Nelson YokomizoQuantum8, 1248 (2024)
  • Quantum state tomography of undetected photonsJorge Fuenzalida, Jaroslav Kysela, Krishna Dovzhik, Gabriela Barreto Lemos, Armin Hochrainer, Mayukh Lahiri, Anton ZeilingerPhys. Rev. A109, 022413 (2024)
  • Higher-Order Process Matrix Tomography of a Passively-Stable Quantum SwitchAntesberger M., M.T. Quintino, P. Walther, L.A. RozemaPRX QUANTUM5, ARTN 010325 (2024)
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  • Autonomous Quantum Processing Unit: What does it take to construct a self-contained model for quantum computation?Florian Meier, Marcus Huber, Paul Erker, Jake XuerebarXiv:quant-ph2402.00111 [quant-ph] (2024)
  • Bounding entanglement dimensionality from the covariance matrixShuheng Liu, Matteo Fadel, Qiongyi He, Marcus Huber, Giuseppe VitaglianoQuantum8, 1236 (2024)
  • Strategies for generating, distributing and certifying entanglement in photonic systemsLukas Achatz (2024)
  • Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum batteriesBakhshinezhad P., B.R. Jablonski, F.C. Binder, N. FriisPHYS. REV. E109, ARTN 014131 (2024)
  • Correlation constraints and the Bloch geometry of two qubitsMorelli S., C. Eltschka, M. Huber, J. SiewertPHYS REV A109, ARTN 012423 (2024)
  • State-independent quantum key distributionRobert Kindler, Johannes Handsteiner, Jaroslav Kysela, Kuntuo Zhu, Bo Liu, Anton ZeilingerPhys. Rev. A109, 012614 (2024)
  • Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential controlLukas Neumeier, Mario A. Ciampini, Oriol Romero-Isart, Markus Aspelmeyer, Nikolai KieselPNAS121, e2306953121 (2024)
  • Time-Efficient Constant-Space-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum ComputationYamasaki H., M. KoashiNAT PHYS20, 182-183 (2024)
  • Witnessing environment dimension through temporal correlationsLucas B. Vieira, Simon Milz, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Costantino BudroniQUANTUM8, 1224 (2024)
  • Diagrams and GPTs for Quantum GravityDi Biagio A.Quantum Views8, 78 (2024)
  • Multi-copy activation of genuine multipartite entanglement in continuous-variable systemsKlára Baksová, Olga Leskovjanová, Ladislav Mišta Jr., Elizabeth Agudelo, Nicolai FriisarXiv:quant-ph2312.16570 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Hawking radiation for detectors in superposition of locations outside a black holeJerzy Paczos, Luis C. BarbadoPHYS. REV. D108, 125015 (2023)
  • Self-Testing in Prepare-and-Measure Scenarios and a Robust Version of Wigner’s TheoremMiguel Navascués, Károly F. Pál, Tamás Vértesi, Mateus AraújoPhysical Review Letters131, 250802 (2023)
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  • Ultra-narrow inhomogeneous spectral distribution of telecom-wavelength vanadium centres in isotopically-enriched silicon carbidePasquale Cilibrizzi, Muhammad Junaid Arshad, Benedikt Tissot, Nguyen Tien Son, Ivan G. Ivanov, Thomas Astner, Philipp Koller, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Daniel White, Christiaan Bekker, Guido Burkard, Michael Trupke, Cristian BonatoNature Communications14, 8448 (2023)
  • Using a resource theoretic perspective to witness and engineer quantum generalized contextuality for prepare-and-measure scenariosWagner R., R.D. Baldijao, A. Tezzin, B. AmaralJ PHYS A-MATH THEOR56, ARTN 505303 (2023)
  • Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?Thomas D. GalleyPhysics Magazine16, 203 (2023)
  • Quantum reference frames at the boundary of spacetimeViktoria Kabel, Časlav Brukner, Wolfgang WielandPhys. Rev. D108, 106022 (2023)
  • Fundamental Accuracy-Resolution Trade-Off for Timekeeping DevicesFlorian Meier, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Paul Erker, Marcus HuberPhysical Review Letters131, 220201 (2023)
  • Quantum Coding with Finite Thermodynamic ResourcesJake Xuereb, Tiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Paul ErkerarXiv:quant-ph2311.14561 [quant-ph] (2023)
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  • Collective Advantages in Finite-Time ThermodynamicsAlberto Rolandi, Paolo Abiuso, Martí Perarnau-LlobetPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS131, 210401 (2023)
  • Verification of continuous-variable quantum memoriesPaolo AbiusoQuantum Science and Technology9, 01LT02 (2023)
  • On playing gods: The fallacy of the many-worlds interpretationLuis C. Barbado, Flavio Del SantoarXiv:physics.hist-ph2311.03467v1 [physics.hist-ph] (2023)
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  • Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishabilityHorvat S., B. DakicNEW J PHYS25, ARTN 113008 (2023)
  • Experimental high-dimensional entanglement certification and quantum steering with time-energy measurementsKai-Chi Chang, Murat Can Sarihan, Xiang Cheng, Paul Erker, Andrew Mueller, Maria Spiropulu, Matthew D. Shaw, Boris Korzh, Marcus Huber, Chee Wei WongarXiv:quant-ph2310.20694 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Resource-Efficient High-Dimensional Entanglement Detection via Symmetric ProjectionsSimon Morelli, Marcus Huber, Armin TavakoliPhysical Review Letters131 (2023)
  • The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubitsMartin J. Renner, Marco Túlio QuintinoQuantum7, 1149 (2023)
  • Incompleteness Theorems for Observables in General RelativityAristotelis Panagiotopoulos, George Sparling, Marios ChristodoulouPHYS. REV. LETT.131, 171402 (2023)
  • Impact of Imperfect Timekeeping on Quantum ControlJake Xuereb, Paul Erker, Florian Meier, Mark T. Mitchison, Marcus HuberPhysical Review Letters131, 160204 (2023)
  • Extracting quantum dynamical resources: consumption of non-Markovianity for noise reductionBerk G.D., S. Milz, F.A. Pollock, K. ModiNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION9, ARTN 104 (2023)
  • On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compressionXiaoqin Gao, Paul Appel, Nicolai Friis, Martin Ringbauer, Marcus HuberQUANTUM7 (2023)
  • Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversibleThomas D. Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, John H. SelbyQUANTUM7, 1142 (2023)
  • Admissible Causal Structures and CorrelationsEleftherios-Ermis Tselentis, Ämin BaumelerPRX Quantum4, 040307 (2023)
  • Testing Quantum Theory by Generalizing NoncontextualityMarkus P. Müller, Andrew J. P. GarnerPHYSICAL REVIEW X13, 041001 (2023)
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  • Building a quantum superposition of conscious states with integrated information theoryKelvin J. McQueen, Ian T. Durham, Markus P. MuellerarXiv:quant-ph2309.13826 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Relating Wigner's Friend scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine TuningYīng Y., M.M. Ansanelli, A. Di Biagio, E. Wolfe, E.G. CavalcantiarXiv:quant-ph2309.12987 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Compatibility of all noisy qubit observablesMartin J. RennerarXiv:quant-ph2309.12290 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noiseSu Direkci, Klemens Winkler, Corentin Gut, Klemens Hammerer, Markus Aspelmeyer, Yanbei ChenarXiv:quant-ph2309.12532 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Detecting Gravitationally Interacting Dark Matter with Quantum InterferenceAlejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli, Marios ChristodoulouarXiv:gr-qc2309.08238 [gr-qc] (2023)
  • Starobinsky inflation from string theory?Brinkmann M., M. Cicoli, P. ZitoJ HIGH ENERGY PHYS, ARTN 38 (2023)
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  • Quantum reference frames for an indefinite metricAnne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav BruknerCommunications Physics6, 231 (2023)
  • Correspondence between entangled states and entangled bases under local transformationsPimpel F., M.J. Renner, A. TavakoliPHYS REV A108, ARTN 022220 (2023)
  • Provably superior accuracy in quantum stochastic modelingChengran Yang, Andrew J. P. Garner, Feiyang Liu, Nora Tischler, Jayne Thompson, Man-Hong Yung, Mile Gu, Oscar DahlstenPHYSICAL REVIEW A108, 022411 (2023)
  • High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin TemperaturesHofer J., R. Gross, G. Higgins, H. Huebl, O.F. Kieler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, P. Schmidt, J.A. Slater, M. Trupke, K. Uhl, T. Weimann, W. Wieczorek, M. AspelmeyerPHYS REV LETT131, ARTN 043603 (2023)
  • DiVincenzo-like criteria for autonomous quantum machinesJosé Antonio Marín Guzmán, Paul Erker, Simone Gasparinetti, Marcus Huber, Nicole Yunger HalpernarXiv:quant-ph2307.08739 [quant-ph] (2023)
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  • Quantum theory of non-hermitian optical binding between nanoparticlesHenning Rudolph, Uroš Delić, Klaus Hornberger, Benjamin A. SticklerarXiv:quant-ph2306.11893 [quant-ph] (2023)
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  • Zwiegespräch II: Time in the brain and outside our bodies in the environmentLandau A., A. ZeilingerIn: J Fischer, ed. Zwiegespräche über die Zeit. Dialoge in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften aus Anlass des sechzigsten Geburtstags von Christoph Markschies, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter ( 2023, 25-31)
  • Free Agency and Determinism: Is There a Sensible Definition of Computational Sourcehood?Marius Krumm, Markus P. MüllerEntropy25, 903 (2023)
  • Linear Ultrastrong Optomechanical InteractionKahan Dare, Jannek J. Hansen, Iurie Coroli, Aisling Johnson, Markus Aspelmeyer, Uroš DelićarXiv:quant-ph2305.16226 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programmingMateus Araújo, Marcus Huber, Miguel Navascués, Matej Pivoluska, Armin TavakoliQUANTUM-AUSTRIA7, 1019 (2023)
  • Characterizing Entanglement Dimensionality from Randomized MeasurementsLiu S., Q. He, M. Huber, O. Guhne, G. VitaglianoPRX QUANTUM4, ARTN 020324 (2023)
  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order in a photonic quantum switchCao H., J. Bavaresco, N.-N. Wang, L.A. Rozema, C. Zhang, Y.-F. Huang, B.-H. Liu, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, P. WaltherOPTICA10, 561-568 (2023)
  • Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic ReadoutLatorre M.G., G. Higgins, A. Paradkar, T. Bauch, W. WieczorekPHYS REV APPL19, ARTN 054047 (2023)
  • Relativistic locality can imply subsystem localityDi Biagio A., R. Howl, Č. Brukner, C. Rovelli, M. ChristodoulouarXiv:quant-ph2305.05645 [quant-ph] (2023)
  • Dissipative phase transitions in optomechanical systemsFatemeh Bibak, Uroš Delić, Markus Aspelmeyer, Borivoje DakićPhys. Rev. A107, 053505 (2023)
  • Simultaneous transmission of hyper-entanglement in three degrees of freedom through a multicore fiberAchatz L., L. Bulla, S. Ecker, E.A. Ortega, M. Bartokos, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, R. Amezcua-Correa, M. Bohmann, R. Ursin, M. HuberNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION9, ARTN 45 (2023)
  • Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processorHrmo P., B. Wilhelm, L. Gerster, M.W. van Mourik, M. Huber, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, T. Monz, M. RingbauerNATURE COMMUNICATIONS14, 2242 (2023)
  • Entanglement of particles versus entanglement of fields: Independent quantum resourcesSperling J., E. AgudeloPHYS REV A107, ARTN 042420 (2023)
  • Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenariosBoghiu E.-C., F. Hirsch, P.-S. Lin, M.T. Quintino, J. BowlesSCIPOST PHYSICS CORE6, 28 (2023)
  • Leggett-Garg macrorealism and temporal correlationsVitagliano G., C. BudroniPHYS REV A107, ARTN 040101 (2023)
  • Certification of non-classicality in all links of a photonic star network without assuming quantum mechanicsWang N.-N., A. Pozas-Kerstjens, C. Zhang, B.-H. Liu, Y.-F. Huang, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, N. Gisin, A. TavakoliNATURE COMMUNICATIONS14, ARTN 2153 (2023)
  • Coherent activation of a steerability-breaking channelKu H.-Y., K.-Y. Lee, P.-R. Lai, J.-D. Lin, Y.-N. ChenPHYS REV A107, ARTN 042415 (2023)
  • Nonlocal Temporal Interferometry for Highly Resilient Free-Space Quantum CommunicationLukas Bulla, Matej Pivoluska, Kristian Hjorth, Oskar Kohout, Jan Lang, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Julius Bittermann, Robert Kindler, Marcus Huber, Martin Bohmann, Rupert UrsinPhys. Rev. X13 (2023)
  • Quantum Physics Falls Apart without Imaginary NumbersRenou M.-O., A. Acín, M. NavascuésScientific AmericanApril 2023 (2023)
  • Comment on "Geometry of the quantum set on no-signaling faces"Araujo M.PHYS REV A107, ARTN 036201 (2023)
  • Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?Taranto P., F. Bakhshinezhad, A. Bluhm, R. Silva, N. Friis, M.P.E. Lock, G. Vitagliano, F.C. Binder, T. Debarba, E. Schwarzhans, F. Clivaz, M. HuberPRX QUANTUM4, ARTN 010332 (2023)
  • Classical Cost of Transmitting a QubitRenner M.J., A. Tavakoli, M.T. QuintinoPHYS REV LETT130, ARTN 120801 (2023)
  • Universal Quantum Rewinding Protocol with an Arbitrarily High Probability of SuccessD. Trillo, B. Dive, M. NavascuésPhys. Rev. Lett.130, 110201 (2023)
  • Experimental higher-order interference in a nonlinear triple slitNamdar P., P.K. Jenke, I.A. Calafell, A. Trenti, M. Radonjic, B. Dakic, P. Walther, L.A. RozemaPHYS REV A107, ARTN 032211 (2023)
  • Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum GravityMarios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Markus Aspelmeyer, Časlav Brukner, Carlo Rovelli, Richard HowlPhysical Review Letters130, 100202 (2023)
  • Quantum Correlations in the Minimal ScenarioLe T.P., C. Meroni, B. Sturmfels, R.F. Werner, T. ZieglerQUANTUM-AUSTRIA7, 947 (2023)
  • Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to MinimizingEftaxias G., M. Weilenmann, R. ColbeckPHYS REV LETT130, ARTN 100201 (2023)
  • One-Photon Measurement of Two-Photon EntanglementLemos G.B., R. Lapkiewicz, A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, A. ZeilingerPHYS REV LETT130, ARTN 090202 (2023)
  • Geometry Transition in SpinfoamsMarios Christodoulou, Fabio D'Ambrosio, Charalampos TheofilisarXiv:gr-qc2302.12622 [gr-qc] (2023)
  • Gravitational time dilation as a resource in quantum sensingCepollaro C., F. Giacomini, M.G.A. ParisQUANTUM-AUSTRIA7, 946 (2023)
  • The Open Past in an Indeterministic PhysicsDel Santo F., N. GisinFOUND PHYS53, ARTN 4 (2023)
  • Deploying an Inter-European Quantum NetworkRibezzo D., M. Zahidy, I. Vagniluca, N. Biagi, S. Francesconi, T. Occhipinti, L.K. Oxenlowe, M. Loncaric, I. Cvitic, M. Stipcevic, Z. Pusavec, R. Kaltenbaek, A. Ramsak, F. Scazza, G. Giorgetti, F. Scazza, A. Bassi, P. De Natale, F.S. Cataliotti, M. Inguscio, D. Bacco, A. ZavattaADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES6 (2023)
  • Physik-Nobelpreis 2022 - Geschichte eines ForschungswegesBrukner Č.Plus Lucis2/2023 (2023)
  • The Road to and from Quantum Entanglement ExperimentsBrukner Č.Europhysics News54, 15 (2023)
  • Recycling nonlocality in quantum star networksMao Y.-L., Z.-D. Li, A. Steffinlongo, B. Guo, B. Liu, S. Xu, N. Gisin, A. Tavakoli, J. FanPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH5, ARTN 013104 (2023)
  • Steering-enhanced quantum metrology using superpositions of noisy phase shiftsLee K.-Y., J.-D. Lin, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, H.-Y. Ku, Y.-N. ChenPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH5, ARTN 013103 (2023)
  • Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensemblesVitagliano G., M. Fadel, I. Apellaniz, M. Kleinmann, B. Lucke, C. Klempt, G. TothQUANTUM-AUSTRIA7, ARTN 914 (2023)
  • Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubitsOliveira M.H., G. Higgins, C. Zhang, A. Predojevic, M. Hennrich, R. Bachelard, C.J. Villas-BoasPHYS REV A107, ARTN 023706 (2023)
  • Demonstration of universal time-reversal for qubit processesP. Schiansky, T. Strömberg, D. Trillo, V. Saggio, B. Dive, M. Navascués, P. WaltherOptica10, 200-205 (2023)
  • Gravity entanglement, quantum reference systems, degrees of freedomChristodoulou M., A. Di Biagio, R. Howl, C. RovelliCLASSICAL QUANT GRAV40, ARTN 047001 (2023)
  • Proposal for spin squeezing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals with a four-color schemeKrivachy T., K.T. Kaczmarek, M. Afzelius, J. Etesse, G. HaackPHYS REV A107, ARTN 013108 (2023)
  • Device-independent verification of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steeringZhao Y.-Y., C. Zhang, S. Cheng, X. LI, Y. Guo, B.-H. Liu, H.-Y. Ku, S.-L. Chen, Q. Wen, Y.-F. Huang, G.-Y. Xiang, C.-F. LI, G.-C. GuoOPTICA10, 66-71 (2023)
  • Exploiting ionization dynamics in the nitrogen vacancy center for rapid, high-contrast spin, and charge state initializationWirtitsch D., G. Wachter, S. Reisenbauer, M. Gulka, V. Ivady, F. Jelezko, A. Gali, M. Nesladek, M. TrupkePHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH5, ARTN 013014 (2023)
  • Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)Kaltenbaek R., M. Arndt, M. Aspelmeyer, P.F. Barker, A. Bassi, J. Bateman, A. Belenchia, J. Berge, C. Braxmaier, S. Bose, B. Christophe, G.D. Cole, C. Curceanu, A. Datta, M. Debiossac, U. Delic, L. Diosi, A.A. Geraci, S. Gerlich, C. Guerlin, G. Hechenblaikner, A. Heidmann, S. Herrmann, K. Hornberger, U. Johann, N. Kiesel, C. Laemmerzahl, T.W. LeBrun, G.J. Milburn, J. Millen, M. Mohageg, D.C. Moore, G.W. Morley, S. Nimmrichter, L. Novotny, D.K.L. Oi, M. Paternostro, C.J. Riedel, M. Rodrigues, L. Rondin, A. Roura, W.P. Schleich, T. Schuldt, B.A. Stickler, H. Ulbricht, C. Vogt, L. WoernerQUANTUM SCI TECHNOL8, ARTN 014006 (2023)
  • Spatial and spectral characterization of photon pairs at telecommunication wavelengths from type-0 spontaneous parametric downconversionOrtega E.A., J. Fuenzalida, M. Selimovic, K. Dovzhik, L. Achatz, S. Wengerowsky, R.F. Shiozaki, S.P. Neumann, M. Bohmann, R. UrsinJ OPT SOC AM B40, 165-171 (2023)
  • Entanglement-assisted quantum communication with simple measurementsAmélie Piveteau, Jef Pauwels, Emil Håkansson, Sadiq Muhammad, Mohamed Bourennane, Armin TavakoliNature Communications13, 7878 (2022)
  • Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplittersDaniel Martínez, Esteban S. Gómez, Jaime Cariñe, Luciano Pereira, Aldo Delgado, Stephen P. Walborn, Armin Tavakoli, Gustavo LimaNature Physics (2022)
  • Entanglement-Asymmetry Correspondence for Internal Quantum Reference FramesAnne-Catherine de la Hamette, Stefan L. Ludescher, Markus P. MüllerPhysical Review Letters129, 260404 (2022)
  • Kochen-Specker contextualityBudroni C., A. Cabello, O. Guehne, M. Kleinmann, J.-A. LarssonREV MOD PHYS94, ARTN 045007 (2022)
  • Arbitrary unitaries in orbital angular momentum of single photonsKysela J.EPJ Quantum Technol.9, ARTN 22 (2022)
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  • Force-Gradient Sensing and Entanglement via Feedback Cooling of Interacting NanoparticlesRudolph H., U. Delic, M. Aspelmeyer, K. Hornberger, B.A. SticklerPhysical Review Letters129, ARTN 193602 (2022)
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  • Wigner’s friend and relational objectivityČaslav BruknerNature Reviews Physics4, 628–630 (2022)
  • Experimental optimal verification of three-dimensional entanglement on a silicon chipXia L., L. Lu, K. Wang, X. Jiang, S. Zhu, X. MaNew J. Phys.24, ARTN 095002 (2022)
  • Unconditionally secure digital signatures implemented in an eight-user quantum networkPelet Y., I.V. Puthoor, N. Venkatachalam, S. Wengerowsky, M. Loncaric, S.P. Neumann, B. Liu, Z. Samec, M. Stipcevic, R. Ursin, E. Andersson, J.G. Rarity, D. Aktas, S.K. JoshiNew Journal of Physics24, ARTN 093038 (2022)
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  • Collective effects on the performance and stability of quantum heat enginesSouza L. da S., G. Manzano, R. Fazio, F. IeminiPhys. Rev. E106, ARTN 014143 (2022)
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  • Entanglement in prepare-and-measure scenarios: many questions, a few answersPauwels J., A. Tavakoli, E. Woodhead, S. PironioNew J. Phys.24, ARTN 063015 (2022)
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  • Hidden Quantum Memory: Is Memory There When Somebody Looks?Philip Taranto, Simon Milz (2022)
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  • Deterministic transformations between unitary operations: Exponential advantage with adaptive quantum circuits and the power of indefinite causalityMarco Túlio Quintino, Daniel EblerQuantum Journal6, 679 (2022)
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  • Single-photon nonlocality in quantum networksPaolo Abiuso, Tamás Kriváchy, Emanuel-Cristian Boghiu, Marc-Olivier Renou, Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Antonio AcínPhysical Review Research4, 6 (2022)
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  • Experimental implementation of secure anonymous protocols on an eight-user quantum key distribution networkZixin Huang, Siddarth Koduru Joshi, Djeylan Aktas, Cosmo Lupo, Armanda O. Quintavalle, Natarajan Venkatachalam, Sören Wengerowsky, Martin Lončarić, Sebastian Philipp Neumann, Bo Liu, Željko Samec, Laurent Kling, Mario Stipčević, Rupert Ursin, John G. Raritynpj Quantum Information8, 7 (2022)
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  • Universal quantum computation via quantum controlled classical operationsHorvat S., X. Gao, B. DakicJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical55, ARTN 075301 (2022)
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  • Beyond Method: The Diatribe Between Feyerabend and Popper Over the Foundations of Quantum MechanicsDel Santo F.International Studies in the Philosophy of ScienceSpecial Issue "Feyerabend and the Philosophy of Physics", 1-18 (2022)
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  • Quantum Darwinism and the spreading of classical information in non-classical theoriesRoberto D. Baldijao, Marius Krumm, Andrew J. P. Garner, Markus P. MuellerQuantum6, 636 (2022)
  • Testing Real Quantum Theory in an Optical Quantum NetworkLi Z.-D., Y.-L. Mao, M. Weilenmann, A. Tavakoli, H. Chen, L. Feng, S.-J. Yang, M.-O. Renou, D. Trillo, T.P. Le, N. Gisin, A. Acin, M. Navascues, Z. Wang, J. FanPhys. Rev. Lett.128, ARTN 040402 (2022)
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  • Quantum Adaptive Agents with Efficient Long-Term MemoriesElliott T.J., M. Gu, A.J.P. Garner, J. ThompsonPhys. Rev. X12, ARTN 011007 (2022)
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  • Experimental entanglement of temporal orderGiulia Rubino, Lee A. Rozema, Francesco Massa, Mateus Araújo, Magdalena Zych, Časlav Brukner, Philip WaltherQuantum6, 621 (2022)
  • Full Network NonlocalityAlejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Nicolas Gisin, Armin TavakoliPhysical Review Letters128, 010403 (2022)
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal orderBavaresco J., M. Araujo, C. Brukner, M.T. QuintinoQUANTUM3, 176 (2019)
  • Quantum Teleportation in High DimensionsLuo Y.-H., H.-S. Zhong, M. Erhard, X.-L. Wang, L.-C. Peng, M. Krenn, X. Jiang, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, C.-Y. Lu, A. Zeilinger, J.-W. PanPhysical Review Letters123, 070505 (2019)
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  • Quantum Information Experiments with Multiple Photons in One and High-Dimensions: Concepts and ExperimentsManuel Erhard, Mario Krenn, Xumei Gu, Mehul Malik, Anton ZeilingerQuantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies, paper T3A.3 (2019)
  • Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum SuperpositionBelenchia A., R.M. Wald, F. Giacomini, E. Castro Ruiz, C. Brukner, M. AspelmeyerInternational Journal of Modern Physics D-, 1943001 (2019)
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  • Entanglement distribution over a 96-km-longsubmarine optical fiberWengerowsky S., S. Koduru Joshi, F. Steinlechner, J.R. Richi, S.M. Dobrovolskiy, R. Van der Molen, J. Los, V. Zwiller, M. Versteegh, A. Mura, D. Calonico, M. Inguscio, H. Hübel, L. Bo, T. Scheidl, A. Zeilinger, A. Xuereb, R. UrsinPNASn/a, 201818752 (2019)
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  • Arbitrary d-dimensional Pauli X gates of a flying quditGao X., M. Krenn, J. Kysela, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review A99, 023825 (2019)
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  • Quantum mechanics and the covariance of physical laws in quantum reference framesGiacomini F., E. Castro-Ruiz, C. BruknerNature Communications10, 494 (2019)
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  • Composition rules for quantum processes: a no-go theoremAllard Guérin P., M. Krumm, C. Budroni, C. BruknerNew Journal of Physics21, 012001 (2019)
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  • Quantum Superposition of Massive Objects and the Quantization of GravityBelenchia A., R.M. Wald, F. Giacomini, E. Castro-Ruiz, Č. Brukner, M. AspelmeyerPhysical Review D, 126009 (2018)
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  • Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravityJoshi S.K., J. Pienaar, T.C. Ralph, L. Cacciapuoti, W. McCutcheon, J. Rarity, D. Giggenbach, J.G. Lim, V. Makarov, I. Fuentes, T. Scheidl, E. Beckert, M. Bourennane, D.E. Bruschi, A. Cabello, J. Capmany, A. Carrasco-Casado, E. Diamanti, M. Dusek, D. Elser, A. Gulinatti, R.H. Hadfield, T. Jennewein, R. Kaltenbaek, M.A. Krainak, H.-K. Lo, C. Marquardt, G. Milburn, M. Peev, A. Poppe, V. Pruneri, R. Renner, C. Salomon, J. Skaar, N. Solomos, M. Stipcevic, J.P. Torres, M. Toyoshima, P. Villoresi, I. Walrnsley, G. Weihs, H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger, M. Zukowski, R. UrsinNew J. Phys.20, ARTN 063016 (2018)
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  • Eigenstate Thermalization for Degenerate ObservablesAnza F., C. Gogolin, M. HuberPhysical Review Letters120, 150603 (2018)
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  • Dynamics of Quantum Causal StructuresCastro-Ruiz E., F. Giacomini, C. BruknerPhysical Review X8, 011047 (2018)
  • Layered quantum key distributionPivoluska M., M. Huber, M. MalikPhysical Review A97, 032312 (2018)
  • Twisted photons: new quantum perspectives in high dimensionsErhard M., R. Fickler, M. Krenn, A. ZeilingerLight: Science & Applications7, 17146 (2018)
  • Gouy Phase Radial Mode Sorter for Light: Concepts and ExperimentsGu X., M. Krenn, M. Erhard, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review Letters120, 103601 (2018)
  • On the entanglement entropy of quantum fields in causal setsBelenchia A., D.M.T. Benincasa, M. Letizia, S. LiberatiClassical and Quantum Gravity35, 074002 (2018)
  • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Its geometric quantification and witnessKu H.-Y., S.-L. Chen, C. Budroni, A. Miranowicz, Y.-N. Chen, F. NoriPhysical Review A97, 022338 (2018)
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  • Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experimentsMelnikov A.A., H.P. Nautrup, M. Krenn, V. Dunjko, M. Tiersch, A. Zeilinger, H.J. BriegelPNAS115, 1221-1226 (2018)
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  • Satellite-Relayed Intercontinental Quantum NetworkLiao S.-K., W.-Q. Cai, J. Handsteiner, B. Liu, J. Yin, L. Zhang, D. Rauch, M. Fink, J.-G. Ren, W.-Y. Liu, Y. Li, Q. Shen, Y. Cao, F.-Z. Li, J.-F. Wang, Y.-M. Huang, L. Deng, T. Xi, L. Ma, T. Hu, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, F. Koidl, P. Wang, Y.-A. Chen, X.-B. Wang, M. Steindorfer, G. Kirchner, C.-Y. Lu, R. Shu, R. Ursin, T. Scheidl, C.-Z. Peng, J.-Y. Wang, A. Zeilinger, J.-W. PanPhysical Review Letters120, 030501 (2018)
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  • Quantum Experiments and Graphs: Multiparty States as Coherent Superpositions of Perfect MatchingsKrenn M., X. Gu, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review Letters119, 240403 (2017)
  • Quantum superpositions of 'common-cause' and 'direct-cause' causal structuresFeix A., C. BruknerNew Journal of Physics19, 123028 (2017)
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  • High-Dimensional Single-Photon Quantum Gates: Concepts and ExperimentsBabazadeh A., M. Erhard, F. Wang, M. Malik, R. Nouroozi, M. Krenn, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review Letters119, 180510 (2017)
  • Continuous-variable steering and incompatibility via state-channel dualityKiukas J., C. Budroni, R. Uola, J.-P. PellonpaaPhysical Review A96, 042331 (2017)
  • Quantum gate description for induced coherence without induced emission and its applicationsAlipour S., M. Krenn, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review A96, 042317 (2017)
  • Quantification of multidimensional entanglement stored in a crystalTiranov A., S. Designolle, E.Z. Cruzeiro, J. Lavoie, N. Brunner, M. Afzelius, M. Huber, N. GisinPhysical Review A96, 040303 (2017)
  • Reflections on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physicsHöhn P.Journal of Physics880, 012014 (2017)
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  • Comment on "Peres experiment using photons: No test for hypercomplex (quaternionic) quantum theories"Procopio L.M., L.A. Rozema, B. Dakic, P. WaltherPhysical Review A96, 036101 (2017)
  • Macroscopic Superpositions as Quantum Ground StatesDakic B., M. RadonjicPhysical Review Letters119, 090401 (2017)
  • Genuine-multipartite entanglement criteria based on positive mapsClivaz F., M. Huber, L. Lami, G. MurtaJournal of Mathematical Physics58, 082201 (2017)
  • Most incompatible measurements for robust steering testsBavaresco J., M.T. Quintino, L. Guerini, T.O. Maciel, D. Cavalcanti, M.T. CunhaPhysical Review A96, 022110 (2017)
  • Autonomous Quantum Clocks: Does Thermodynamics Limit Our Ability to Measure Time?Erker P., M.T. Mitchison, R. Silva, M.P. Woods, N. Brunner, M. HuberPhysical Review X7, 031022 (2017)
  • Quantifying high dimensional entanglement with two mutually unbiased basesErker P., M. Krenn, M. HuberQuantum1, 22 (2017)
  • Distribution of high-dimensional entanglement via an intra-city free-space linkSteinlechner F., S. Ecker, M. Fink, B. Liu, J. Bavaresco, M. Huber, T. Scheidl, R. UrsinNature Communications8, 15971 (2017)
  • Sub-Shot-Noise Transmission Measurement Enabled by Active Feed-Forward of Heralded Single PhotonsSabines-Chesterking J., R. Whittaker, S.K. Joshi, P.M. Birchall, P.A. Moreau, A. McMillan, H.V. Cable, J.L. O'Brien, J.G. Rarity, J.C.F. MatthewsPhys. Rev. Appl.8, ARTN 014016 (2017)
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  • Light for the quantum. Entangled photons and their applications: a very personal perspectiveZeilinger A.Physica Scripta92, 072501 (2017)
  • Can chaos be observed in quantum gravity?Dittrich B., P.A. Höhn, T.A. Koslowski, M.I. NelsonPhysics Letters B769, 554-560 (2017)
  • Entanglement and Nonlocality in Infinite 1D SystemsWang Z., S. Singh, M. NavascuésPhysical Review Letters118, 230401 (2017)
  • On small beams with large topological charge: II. Photons, electrons and gravitational wavesKrenn M., N. Tischler, A. ZeilingerNew Journal of Physics20, 063006 (2017)
  • Quantum test of the equivalence principle for atoms in coherent superposition of internal energy statesRosi G., G. D'Amico, L. Cacciapuoti, F. Sorrentino, M. Prevedelli, M. Zych, C. Brukner, G.M. TinoNature Communications8, 15529 (2017)
  • Focus on Gravitational Quantum PhysicsAspelmeyer M., Č. Brukner, D. Giulini, G. MilburnNew Journal of Physics19, 050401 (2017)
  • Bright nanoscale source of deterministic entangled photon pairs violating Bell's inequalityK. D. Jöns, L. Schweickert, M. Versteegh, D. Dalacu, P. J. Poole, A. Gulinatti, A. Giudice, V. Zwiller, M. E. ReimerScientific Reports7, 1700 (2017)
  • Experimental test of photonic entanglement in accelerated reference framesFink M., A. Rodriguez-Aramendia, J. Handsteiner, A. Ziarkash, F. Steinlechner, T. Scheidl, I. Fuentes, J. Pienaar, T.C. Ralph, R. UrsinNature Communications8, 15304 (2017)
  • A purification postulate for quantum mechanics with indefinite causal orderAraújo M., A. Feix, M. Navascués, Č. BruknerQuantum1, 10 (2017)
  • Better local hidden variable models for two-qubit Werner states and an upper bound on the Grothendieck constant KG(3)Hirsch F., M.T. Quintino, T. Vértesi, M. Navascués, N. BrunnerQuantum1, 3 (2017)
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  • No-Go Theorem for the Characterization of Work Fluctuations in Coherent Quantum SystemsPerarnau-Llobet M., E. Baumer, K.V. Hovhannisyan, M. Huber, A. AcinPhysical Review Letters118, 070601 (2017)
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  • Autonomous quantum refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture based on a Josephson junctionHofer P.P., M. Perarnau-Llobet, J.B. Brask, R. Silva, M. Huber, N. BrunnerPhysical Review B94, 235420 (2016)
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  • Passivity and practical work extraction using Gaussian operationsBrown E.G., N. Friis, M. HuberNew Journal of Physics18, 113028 (2016)
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  • New Dimensions for Entangled Photons: The Role of InformationZeilinger A., R. BertlmannIn: Quantum Unspeakables IIThe Frontiers Collection, Springer ( 2016, 503-518)
  • Quantifying Entanglement of Maximal Dimension in Bipartite Mixed StatesSentis G., C. Eltschka, O. Guehne, M. Huber, J. SiewertPhysical Review Letters117, 190502 (2016)
  • Quantum optical rotatory dispersionTischler N., M. Krenn, R. Fickler, X. Vidal, A. Zeilinger, G. Molina-TerrizaScience Advances2, 1601306 (2016)
  • Quantum optical rotatory dispersionNora Tischler, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Xavier Vidal, Anton Zeilinger, Gabriel Molina-TerrizaScience Advances2, e1601306 (2016)
  • Bipartite depolarizing mapsLami L., M. HuberJournal of Mathematical Physics57, 092201 (2016)
  • Exponential Communication Complexity Advantage from Quantum Superposition of the Direction of CommunicationGuérin P.A., A. Feix, M. Araújo, Č. BruknerPhysical Review Letters117, 100502 (2016)
  • Causally nonseparable processes admitting a causal modelFeix A., M. Araujo, Č. BruknerNew Journal of Physics18, 083040 (2016)
  • Should Entanglement Measures be Monogamous or Faithful?Lancien C., S. Di Martino, M. Huber, M. Piani, G. Adesso, A. WinterPhysical Review Letters117, 060501 (2016)
  • Heisenberg-Weyl Observables: Bloch vectors in phase spaceAsadian A., P. Erker, M. Huber, C. KlocklPhysical Review A94, 010301 (2016)
  • General relativistic effects in quantum interference of "clocks"Zych M., I. Pikovski, F. Costa, Č. BruknerJournal of Physics: Conference Series723, 012044 (2016)
  • Quantum and classical phases in optomechanicsArmata F., L. Latmiral, I. Pikovski, M.R. Vanner, Č. Brukner, M.S. KimPhysical Review A93, 063862 (2016)
  • An operational approach to spacetime symmetries: Lorentz transformations from quantum communicationHöhn P.A., M.P. MüllerNew Journal of Physics18, 063026 (2016)
  • Appearance of causality in process matrices when performing fixed-basis measurements for two partiesBaumann V., Č. BruknerPhysical Review A93, 062324 (2016)
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  • Weak-value amplification of the fast-light effect in rubidium vaporMirhosseini M., G.I. Viza, O.S. Magana-Loaiza, M. Malik, J.C. Howell, R.W. BoydPhysical Review A93, 053836 (2016)
  • Cyclic transformation of orbital angular momentum modesSchlederer F., M. Krenn, R. Fickler, M. Malik, A. ZeilingerNew Journal of Physics18, 043019 (2016)
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  • Requirements for a loophole-free photonic Bell test using imperfect setting generatorsKofler J., M. Giustina, J.-A. Larsson, M.W. MitchellPhysical Review A93, 032115 (2016)
  • Automated Search for new Quantum ExperimentsKrenn M., M. Malik, R. Fickler, R. Lapkiewicz, A. ZeilingerPhysical Review Letters116, 090405 (2016)
  • Steering Maps and Their Application to Dimension-Bounded SteeringMoroder T., O. Gittsovich, M. Huber, R. Uola, O. GuehnePhysical Review Letters116, 090403 (2016)
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  • A Separable, Dynamically Local Ontological Model of Quantum MechanicsPienaar J.Foundations of Physics46, 104-119 (2016)
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  • The simplest causal inequalities and their violationBranciard C., M. Araujo, A. Feix, F. Costa, Č. BruknerNew Journal of Physics18, 013008 (2016)
  • Attacks on quantum key distribution protocols that employ non-ITS authenticationPacher C., A. Abidin, T. Lorünser, M. Peev, R. Ursin, A. Zeilinger, J.-Å. LarssonQuantum Information Processing15, 327-362 (2016)


  • Response to “The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant”
    Lluís Masanes, Thomas D. Galley, Markus P. Müller
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  • Numerical results on quantum energy inequalities in integrable models at the two-particle level
    Jan Mandrysch
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  • A robust approach for time-bin encoded photonic quantum information protocols
    Simon J. U. White, Emanuele Polino, Farzad Ghafari, Dominick J. Joch, Luis Villegas-Aguilar, Lynden K. Shalm, Varun B. Verma, Marcus Huber, Nora Tischler
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  • Programmable multiphoton quantum interference in a single spatial mode
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  • Experimental superposition of a quantum evolution with its time reverse
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  • The sounds of science-a symphony for many instruments and voices: part II
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  • Optimal thermometers with spin networks
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  • Efficiently Cooling Quantum Systems with Finite Resources: Insights from Thermodynamic Geometry
    Philip Taranto, Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Nayeli A. Rodríguez-Briones, Martí Perarnau-Llobet, Nicolai Friis, Marcus Huber, Pharnam Bakhshinezhad
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  • Lower Bounds on Ground-State Energies of Local Hamiltonians through the Renormalization Group
    Ilya Kull, Norbert Schuch, Ben Dive, Miguel Navascués
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  • Hollow-core fiber loading of nanoparticles into ultra-high vacuum
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  • What an event is not: unravelling the identity of events in quantum theory and gravity
    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Časlav Brukner
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  • Matter waves and clocks do not observe uniform gravitational fields
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  • Quantum interference between distant creation processes
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  • Transformations in quantum networks via local operations assisted by finitely many rounds of classical communication
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  • Maglev for dark matter: Dark-photon and axion dark matter sensing with levitated superconductors
    Gerard Higgins, Saarik Kalia, Zhen Liu
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  • Spin-orbit photonic circuits for quantum simulations
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  • Broadcasting Quantum Information using Finite Resources
    Tiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Nicolai Friis
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  • Quantum communication networks with defects in silicon carbide
    Sebastian Ecker, Matthias Fink, Thomas Scheidl, Philipp Sohr, Rupert Ursin, Muhammad Junaid Arshad, Cristian Bonato, Pasquale Cilibrizzi, Adam Gali, Péter Udvarhelyi, Alberto Politi, Oliver J. Trojak, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul Hassan, Ivan G. Ivanov, Nguyen Tien Son, Guido Burkard, Benedikt Tissot, Joop Hendriks, Carmem M. Gilardoni, Caspar H. van der Wal, Christian David, Thomas Astner, Philipp Koller, Michael Trupke
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  • Microelectronic readout of a diamond quantum sensor
    Daniel Wirtitsch, Georg Wachter, Sarah Reisenbauer, Johannes Schalko, Ulrich Schmid, Andrea Fant, Luca Sant, Michael Trupke
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  • Particle detectors in superposition in de Sitter spacetime
    Laura Niermann, Luis C. Barbado
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  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise
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  • Photonic entanglement during a zero-g flight
    Julius Bittermann, Lukas Bulla, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Matthias Fink, Martin Bohmann, Nicolai Friis, Marcus Huber, Rupert Ursin
    Quantum, 8, 1256 (2024)
  • Identification is Pointless: Quantum Reference Frames, Localisation of Events, and the Quantum Hole Argument
    Viktoria Kabel, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Luca Apadula, Carlo Cepollaro, Henrique Gomes, Jeremy Butterfield, Časlav Brukner
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  • On the significance of Wigner's Friend in contexts beyond quantum foundations
    Caroline L. Jones, Markus P. Mueller
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  • Gravitational quantum switch on a superposition of spherical shells
    Natália S. Móller, Bruna Sahdo, Nelson Yokomizo
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  • Quantum state tomography of undetected photons
    Jorge Fuenzalida, Jaroslav Kysela, Krishna Dovzhik, Gabriela Barreto Lemos, Armin Hochrainer, Mayukh Lahiri, Anton Zeilinger
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  • Higher-Order Process Matrix Tomography of a Passively-Stable Quantum Switch
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  • No-signalling constrains quantum computation with indefinite causal structure
    Apadula L., A. Bisio, P. Perinotti
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  • Autonomous Quantum Processing Unit: What does it take to construct a self-contained model for quantum computation?
    Florian Meier, Marcus Huber, Paul Erker, Jake Xuereb
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  • Bounding entanglement dimensionality from the covariance matrix
    Shuheng Liu, Matteo Fadel, Qiongyi He, Marcus Huber, Giuseppe Vitagliano
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  • Strategies for generating, distributing and certifying entanglement in photonic systems
    Lukas Achatz
  • Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum batteries
    Bakhshinezhad P., B.R. Jablonski, F.C. Binder, N. Friis
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  • Correlation constraints and the Bloch geometry of two qubits
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  • State-independent quantum key distribution
    Robert Kindler, Johannes Handsteiner, Jaroslav Kysela, Kuntuo Zhu, Bo Liu, Anton Zeilinger
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  • Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential control
    Lukas Neumeier, Mario A. Ciampini, Oriol Romero-Isart, Markus Aspelmeyer, Nikolai Kiesel
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  • Time-Efficient Constant-Space-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
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  • Witnessing environment dimension through temporal correlations
    Lucas B. Vieira, Simon Milz, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Costantino Budroni
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  • Diagrams and GPTs for Quantum Gravity
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  • Multi-copy activation of genuine multipartite entanglement in continuous-variable systems
    Klára Baksová, Olga Leskovjanová, Ladislav Mišta Jr., Elizabeth Agudelo, Nicolai Friis
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  • Hawking radiation for detectors in superposition of locations outside a black hole
    Jerzy Paczos, Luis C. Barbado
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  • Self-Testing in Prepare-and-Measure Scenarios and a Robust Version of Wigner’s Theorem
    Miguel Navascués, Károly F. Pál, Tamás Vértesi, Mateus Araújo
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  • Atlas of the Irreverse
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  • Ultra-narrow inhomogeneous spectral distribution of telecom-wavelength vanadium centres in isotopically-enriched silicon carbide
    Pasquale Cilibrizzi, Muhammad Junaid Arshad, Benedikt Tissot, Nguyen Tien Son, Ivan G. Ivanov, Thomas Astner, Philipp Koller, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Daniel White, Christiaan Bekker, Guido Burkard, Michael Trupke, Cristian Bonato
    Nature Communications, 14, 8448 (2023)
  • Using a resource theoretic perspective to witness and engineer quantum generalized contextuality for prepare-and-measure scenarios
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  • Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?
    Thomas D. Galley
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  • Quantum reference frames at the boundary of spacetime
    Viktoria Kabel, Časlav Brukner, Wolfgang Wieland
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  • Fundamental Accuracy-Resolution Trade-Off for Timekeeping Devices
    Florian Meier, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Paul Erker, Marcus Huber
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  • Quantum Coding with Finite Thermodynamic Resources
    Jake Xuereb, Tiago Debarba, Marcus Huber, Paul Erker
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  • On the consistency of relative facts
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  • Collective Advantages in Finite-Time Thermodynamics
    Alberto Rolandi, Paolo Abiuso, Martí Perarnau-Llobet
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131, 210401 (2023)
  • Verification of continuous-variable quantum memories
    Paolo Abiuso
    Quantum Science and Technology, 9, 01LT02 (2023)
  • On playing gods: The fallacy of the many-worlds interpretation
    Luis C. Barbado, Flavio Del Santo
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  • Note on episodes in the history of modeling measurements in local spacetime regions using QFT
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  • Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishability
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  • Experimental high-dimensional entanglement certification and quantum steering with time-energy measurements
    Kai-Chi Chang, Murat Can Sarihan, Xiang Cheng, Paul Erker, Andrew Mueller, Maria Spiropulu, Matthew D. Shaw, Boris Korzh, Marcus Huber, Chee Wei Wong
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  • Resource-Efficient High-Dimensional Entanglement Detection via Symmetric Projections
    Simon Morelli, Marcus Huber, Armin Tavakoli
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  • The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubits
    Martin J. Renner, Marco Túlio Quintino
    Quantum, 7, 1149 (2023)
  • Incompleteness Theorems for Observables in General Relativity
    Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos, George Sparling, Marios Christodoulou
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  • Impact of Imperfect Timekeeping on Quantum Control
    Jake Xuereb, Paul Erker, Florian Meier, Mark T. Mitchison, Marcus Huber
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  • Extracting quantum dynamical resources: consumption of non-Markovianity for noise reduction
    Berk G.D., S. Milz, F.A. Pollock, K. Modi
  • On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compression
    Xiaoqin Gao, Paul Appel, Nicolai Friis, Martin Ringbauer, Marcus Huber
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  • Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversible
    Thomas D. Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, John H. Selby
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  • Admissible Causal Structures and Correlations
    Eleftherios-Ermis Tselentis, Ämin Baumeler
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  • Testing Quantum Theory by Generalizing Noncontextuality
    Markus P. Müller, Andrew J. P. Garner
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  • The Möbius game and other Bell tests for relativity
    Eleftherios-Ermis Tselentis, Ämin Baumeler
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  • Building a quantum superposition of conscious states with integrated information theory
    Kelvin J. McQueen, Ian T. Durham, Markus P. Mueller
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  • Relating Wigner's Friend scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
    Yīng Y., M.M. Ansanelli, A. Di Biagio, E. Wolfe, E.G. Cavalcanti
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  • Compatibility of all noisy qubit observables
    Martin J. Renner
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  • Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise
    Su Direkci, Klemens Winkler, Corentin Gut, Klemens Hammerer, Markus Aspelmeyer, Yanbei Chen
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  • Detecting Gravitationally Interacting Dark Matter with Quantum Interference
    Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli, Marios Christodoulou
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  • Starobinsky inflation from string theory?
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  • Response to "The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant"
    Lluís Masanes, Thomas D. Galley, Markus P. Müller
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  • Quantum reference frames for an indefinite metric
    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner
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  • Correspondence between entangled states and entangled bases under local transformations
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  • Provably superior accuracy in quantum stochastic modeling
    Chengran Yang, Andrew J. P. Garner, Feiyang Liu, Nora Tischler, Jayne Thompson, Man-Hong Yung, Mile Gu, Oscar Dahlsten
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  • High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures
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    PHYS REV LETT, 131, ARTN 043603 (2023)
  • DiVincenzo-like criteria for autonomous quantum machines
    José Antonio Marín Guzmán, Paul Erker, Simone Gasparinetti, Marcus Huber, Nicole Yunger Halpern
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  • Quantum advantages for transportation tasks-projectiles, rockets and quantum backflow
    Trillo D., T.P. Le, M. Navascues
  • Quantum theory of non-hermitian optical binding between nanoparticles
    Henning Rudolph, Uroš Delić, Klaus Hornberger, Benjamin A. Stickler
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  • New quantum effects in space and time: complex networks, projectiles and time translations
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  • Zwiegespräch II: Time in the brain and outside our bodies in the environment
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  • Free Agency and Determinism: Is There a Sensible Definition of Computational Sourcehood?
    Marius Krumm, Markus P. Müller
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  • Linear Ultrastrong Optomechanical Interaction
    Kahan Dare, Jannek J. Hansen, Iurie Coroli, Aisling Johnson, Markus Aspelmeyer, Uroš Delić
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  • Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programming
    Mateus Araújo, Marcus Huber, Miguel Navascués, Matej Pivoluska, Armin Tavakoli
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  • Characterizing Entanglement Dimensionality from Randomized Measurements
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order in a photonic quantum switch
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  • Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic Readout
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  • Relativistic locality can imply subsystem locality
    Di Biagio A., R. Howl, Č. Brukner, C. Rovelli, M. Christodoulou
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  • Dissipative phase transitions in optomechanical systems
    Fatemeh Bibak, Uroš Delić, Markus Aspelmeyer, Borivoje Dakić
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  • Simultaneous transmission of hyper-entanglement in three degrees of freedom through a multicore fiber
    Achatz L., L. Bulla, S. Ecker, E.A. Ortega, M. Bartokos, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, R. Amezcua-Correa, M. Bohmann, R. Ursin, M. Huber
  • Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor
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  • Entanglement of particles versus entanglement of fields: Independent quantum resources
    Sperling J., E. Agudelo
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  • Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios
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  • Leggett-Garg macrorealism and temporal correlations
    Vitagliano G., C. Budroni
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  • Certification of non-classicality in all links of a photonic star network without assuming quantum mechanics
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  • Coherent activation of a steerability-breaking channel
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  • Nonlocal Temporal Interferometry for Highly Resilient Free-Space Quantum Communication
    Lukas Bulla, Matej Pivoluska, Kristian Hjorth, Oskar Kohout, Jan Lang, Sebastian Ecker, Sebastian P. Neumann, Julius Bittermann, Robert Kindler, Marcus Huber, Martin Bohmann, Rupert Ursin
    Phys. Rev. X, 13 (2023)
  • Quantum Physics Falls Apart without Imaginary Numbers
    Renou M.-O., A. Acín, M. Navascués
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  • Comment on "Geometry of the quantum set on no-signaling faces"
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  • Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?
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    PRX QUANTUM, 4, ARTN 010332 (2023)
  • Classical Cost of Transmitting a Qubit
    Renner M.J., A. Tavakoli, M.T. Quintino
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  • Universal Quantum Rewinding Protocol with an Arbitrarily High Probability of Success
    D. Trillo, B. Dive, M. Navascués
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 110201 (2023)
  • Experimental higher-order interference in a nonlinear triple slit
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  • Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum Gravity
    Marios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Markus Aspelmeyer, Časlav Brukner, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Howl
    Physical Review Letters, 130, 100202 (2023)
  • Quantum Correlations in the Minimal Scenario
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  • Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to Minimizing
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  • One-Photon Measurement of Two-Photon Entanglement
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  • Geometry Transition in Spinfoams
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  • Gravitational time dilation as a resource in quantum sensing
    Cepollaro C., F. Giacomini, M.G.A. Paris
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  • The Open Past in an Indeterministic Physics
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  • Deploying an Inter-European Quantum Network
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  • Physik-Nobelpreis 2022 - Geschichte eines Forschungsweges
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  • The Road to and from Quantum Entanglement Experiments
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  • Recycling nonlocality in quantum star networks
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  • Steering-enhanced quantum metrology using superpositions of noisy phase shifts
    Lee K.-Y., J.-D. Lin, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, H.-Y. Ku, Y.-N. Chen
  • Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensembles
    Vitagliano G., M. Fadel, I. Apellaniz, M. Kleinmann, B. Lucke, C. Klempt, G. Toth
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  • Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits
    Oliveira M.H., G. Higgins, C. Zhang, A. Predojevic, M. Hennrich, R. Bachelard, C.J. Villas-Boas
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  • Demonstration of universal time-reversal for qubit processes
    P. Schiansky, T. Strömberg, D. Trillo, V. Saggio, B. Dive, M. Navascués, P. Walther
    Optica, 10, 200-205 (2023)
  • Gravity entanglement, quantum reference systems, degrees of freedom
    Christodoulou M., A. Di Biagio, R. Howl, C. Rovelli
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  • Proposal for spin squeezing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals with a four-color scheme
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  • Device-independent verification of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering
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  • Exploiting ionization dynamics in the nitrogen vacancy center for rapid, high-contrast spin, and charge state initialization
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  • Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)
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  • Spatial and spectral characterization of photon pairs at telecommunication wavelengths from type-0 spontaneous parametric downconversion
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  • Entanglement-assisted quantum communication with simple measurements
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  • Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplitters
    Daniel Martínez, Esteban S. Gómez, Jaime Cariñe, Luciano Pereira, Aldo Delgado, Stephen P. Walborn, Armin Tavakoli, Gustavo Lima
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  • Entanglement-Asymmetry Correspondence for Internal Quantum Reference Frames
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  • Kochen-Specker contextuality
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  • Arbitrary unitaries in orbital angular momentum of single photons
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  • Dry launching of silica nanoparticles in vacuum
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  • Comment on 'Quantum principle of relativity'
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  • Controlling wave-particle duality with entanglement between single-photon and Bell states
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  • Quantum diffeomorphisms cannot make indefinite causal order definite
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  • Internal quantum reference frames for finite Abelian groups
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  • Force-Gradient Sensing and Entanglement via Feedback Cooling of Interacting Nanoparticles
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  • Internal quantum reference frames for finite Abelian groups
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  • Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise
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  • "Philosophysics" at the University of Vienna: The (Pre-)History of Foundations of Quantum Physics in the Viennese Cultural Context
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  • Continuous entanglement distribution over a transnational 248 km fiber link
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  • An experiment to test the discreteness of time
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  • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in symmetrical Gaussian states
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  • Experimental entanglement generation for quantum key distribution beyond 1 Gbit/s
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  • EPR steering in symmetrical Gaussian states
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  • Adaptive Advantage in Entanglement-Assisted Communications
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  • Wigner’s friend and relational objectivity
    Časlav Brukner
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  • Experimental optimal verification of three-dimensional entanglement on a silicon chip
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  • Unconditionally secure digital signatures implemented in an eight-user quantum network
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  • Tunable light-induced dipole-dipole interaction between optically levitated nanoparticles
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  • Resource theory of causal connection
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  • Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement incompatibility
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  • Collective effects on the performance and stability of quantum heat engines
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  • Stochastic gradient line Bayesian optimization for efficient noise-robust optimization of parameterized quantum circuits
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  • Entanglement Swapping and Quantum Correlations via Symmetric Joint Measurements
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  • The classical cost of transmitting a qubit
    Martin J. Renner, Armin Tavakoli, Marco Túlio Quintino
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  • Quantum researcher mobility: the wonderful wizard of Oz who paid for Dorothy's visa fees
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  • Building separable approximations for quantum states via neural networks
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  • Quantum indistinguishability by path identity and with undetected photons
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  • Quantum advantage using high-dimensional twisted photons as quantum finite automata
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  • Towards quantum experiments on gravitating objects
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  • Strategies for optimal realization and operation of entanglement-based quantum communication along fiber links
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  • Computational Advantage from a Quantum Superposition of Qubit Gate Orders
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  • Entanglement in prepare-and-measure scenarios: many questions, a few answers
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  • Metrology-assisted entanglement distribution in noisy quantum networks
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  • Quantifying Quantumness of Channels Without Entanglement
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  • Finite-Function-Encoding Quantum States
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  • Quantum Relativity of Subsystems
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  • Activation of genuine multipartite entanglement: Beyond the single-copy paradigm of entanglement characterisation
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  • Hidden Quantum Memory: Is Memory There When Somebody Looks?
    Philip Taranto, Simon Milz
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  • Scalable Authentication and Optimal Flooding in a Quantum Network
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  • Deterministic transformations between unitary operations: Exponential advantage with adaptive quantum circuits and the power of indefinite causality
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  • Single-photon nonlocality in quantum networks
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  • Operational nonclassicality in minimal autonomous thermal machines
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  • Inferring work by quantum superposing forward and time-reversal evolutions
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  • When Zeh Meets Feynman: How to Avoid the Appearance of a Classical World in Gravity Experiments
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  • Experimental implementation of secure anonymous protocols on an eight-user quantum key distribution network
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  • Noncausal Page-Wootters circuits
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  • Remotely Establishing Polarization Entanglement Over Noisy Polarization Channels
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  • Universal quantum computation via quantum controlled classical operations
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  • Visible-wavelength polarization-entangled photon source for quantum communication and imaging
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  • Beyond Method: The Diatribe Between Feyerabend and Popper Over the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
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  • Canonical transformations generated by the boundary volume: Unimodular and non-Abelian teleparallel gravity
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  • Sample-Efficient Device-Independent Quantum State Verification and Certification
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  • Quantum Darwinism and the spreading of classical information in non-classical theories
    Roberto D. Baldijao, Marius Krumm, Andrew J. P. Garner, Markus P. Mueller
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  • Testing Real Quantum Theory in an Optical Quantum Network
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  • Temporal correlations in the simplest measurement sequences
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  • Quantum Adaptive Agents with Efficient Long-Term Memories
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  • Experimental entanglement of temporal order
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  • Experimental entanglement of temporal order
    Giulia Rubino, Lee A. Rozema, Francesco Massa, Mateus Araújo, Magdalena Zych, Časlav Brukner, Philip Walther
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  • Full Network Nonlocality
    Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Nicolas Gisin, Armin Tavakoli
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  • Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects
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  • Quantum superposition of spacetimes obeys Einstein's equivalence principle
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  • Informationally restricted correlations: a general framework for classical and quantum systems
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  • Experimental Space-Division Multiplexed Polarization-Entanglement Distribution through 12 Paths of a Multicore Fiber
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  • Quantum theory based on real numbers can be experimentally falsified
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  • Quantum teleportation of physical qubits into logical code spaces
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  • Equivalence of Grandfather and Information Antinomy Under Intervention
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  • Physics without determinism: Alternative interpretations of classical physics
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  • Demolishing Prejudices to Get to the Foundations: A Criterion of Demarcation for Fundamentality
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  • Relativistic Quantum Reference Frames: The Operational Meaning of Spin
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  • Semi-device-independent certification of indefinite causal order
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  • Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions
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  • Karl Popper's Forgotten Role in the Quantum Debate at the Edge between Philosophy and Physics in 1950s and 1960s
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  • Time evolution of coupled multimode and multiresonator optomechanical systems
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  • Quantum Information Experiments with Multiple Photons in One and High-Dimensions: Concepts and Experiments
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  • Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum Superposition
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  • Comment on Healey’s “Quantum Theory and the Limits of Objectivity”
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  • Layered quantum key distribution
    Pivoluska M., M. Huber, M. Malik
    Physical Review A, 97, 032312 (2018)
  • Twisted photons: new quantum perspectives in high dimensions
    Erhard M., R. Fickler, M. Krenn, A. Zeilinger
    Light: Science & Applications, 7, 17146 (2018)
  • Gouy Phase Radial Mode Sorter for Light: Concepts and Experiments
    Gu X., M. Krenn, M. Erhard, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 120, 103601 (2018)
  • On the entanglement entropy of quantum fields in causal sets
    Belenchia A., D.M.T. Benincasa, M. Letizia, S. Liberati
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35, 074002 (2018)
  • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Its geometric quantification and witness
    Ku H.-Y., S.-L. Chen, C. Budroni, A. Miranowicz, Y.-N. Chen, F. Nori
    Physical Review A, 97, 022338 (2018)
  • Quantum Horn’s lemma, finite heat baths, and the third law of thermodynamics
    Scharlau J., M.P. Mueller
    Quantum, 2, 54 (2018)
  • Single-copy entanglement detection
    Dimic A., B. Dakic
  • Higher-order theories of gravity: diagnosis, extraction and reformulation via non-metric extra degrees of freedom-a review
    Belenchia A., M. Letizia, S. Liberati, E. Di Casola
    Reports on Progress in Physics, 81, 036001 (2018)
  • Two-Way Communication with a Single Quantum Particle
    Del Santo F., B. Dakic
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, ARTN 060503 (2018)
  • Characterizing Genuine Multilevel Entanglement
    Kraft T., C. Ritz, N. Brunner, M. Huber, O. Guehne
    Physical Review Letters, 120, 060502 (2018)
  • Loss of information in quantum guessing game
    Plesch M., M. Pivoluska
    New J. Phys., 20, ARTN 023018 (2018)
  • Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments
    Melnikov A.A., H.P. Nautrup, M. Krenn, V. Dunjko, M. Tiersch, A. Zeilinger, H.J. Briegel
    PNAS, 115, 1221-1226 (2018)
  • Bond dimension witnesses and the structure of homogeneous matrix product states
    Navascues M., T. Vertesi
    Quantum, 2, 50 (2018)
  • Holographic spin networks from tensor network states
    Singh S., N.A. McMahon, G.K. Brennen
    Physical Review D, 97, 026013 (2018)
  • Tensor network state correspondence and holography
    Singh S.
    Physial Review D, 97, 026012 (2018)
  • Satellite-Relayed Intercontinental Quantum Network
    Liao S.-K., W.-Q. Cai, J. Handsteiner, B. Liu, J. Yin, L. Zhang, D. Rauch, M. Fink, J.-G. Ren, W.-Y. Liu, Y. Li, Q. Shen, Y. Cao, F.-Z. Li, J.-F. Wang, Y.-M. Huang, L. Deng, T. Xi, L. Ma, T. Hu, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, F. Koidl, P. Wang, Y.-A. Chen, X.-B. Wang, M. Steindorfer, G. Kirchner, C.-Y. Lu, R. Shu, R. Ursin, T. Scheidl, C.-Z. Peng, J.-Y. Wang, A. Zeilinger, J.-W. Pan
    Physical Review Letters, 120, 030501 (2018)
  • Generalized eigenstate typicality in translation-invariant quasifree fermionic models
    Riddell J., M.P. Müller
    Physical Review B, 97, 035129 (2018)
  • Quantum teleportation, onwards and upwards
    Zeilinger A.
    Nature Physics, 14, 3-4 (2018)
  • Mit Lichtschrauben ans Quantenlimit
    Fickler R., M. Krenn, A. Zeilinger
    Physik in unserer Zeit, 49, 12-20 (2018)
  • Quantum Experiments and Graphs: Multiparty States as Coherent Superpositions of Perfect Matchings
    Krenn M., X. Gu, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 119, 240403 (2017)
  • Quantum superpositions of 'common-cause' and 'direct-cause' causal structures
    Feix A., C. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 123028 (2017)
  • Transmission of information in nonlocal field theories
    Belenchia A., D.M.T. Benincasa, S. Liberati, E. Martin-Martinez
    Physical Review D, 96, 116006 (2017)
  • The complex and quaternionic quantum bit from relativity of simultaneity on an interferometer
    Garner A.J.P., M.P. Müller, O.C.O. Dahlsten
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 2208 (2017)
  • Generation of the complete four-dimensional Bell basis
    Wang F., M. Erhard, A. Babazadeh, M. Malik, M. Krenn, A. Zeilinger
    Optica, 4, 1462-1467 (2017)
  • The entropic approach to causal correlations
    Miklin N., A.A. Abbott, C. Branciard, R. Chaves, C. Budroni
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 113041 (2017)
  • Quantum computation with indefinite causal structures
    Araújo M., P.A. Guérin, Ämin Baumeler
    Physical Review A, 96, 052315 (2017)
  • Fault-tolerant interface between quantum memories and quantum processors
    Nautrup H.P., N. Friis, H.J. Briegel
    Nature Communications, 8, 1321 (2017)
  • High-Dimensional Single-Photon Quantum Gates: Concepts and Experiments
    Babazadeh A., M. Erhard, F. Wang, M. Malik, R. Nouroozi, M. Krenn, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 119, 180510 (2017)
  • Continuous-variable steering and incompatibility via state-channel duality
    Kiukas J., C. Budroni, R. Uola, J.-P. Pellonpaa
    Physical Review A, 96, 042331 (2017)
  • Quantum gate description for induced coherence without induced emission and its applications
    Alipour S., M. Krenn, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review A, 96, 042317 (2017)
  • Quantification of multidimensional entanglement stored in a crystal
    Tiranov A., S. Designolle, E.Z. Cruzeiro, J. Lavoie, N. Brunner, M. Afzelius, M. Huber, N. Gisin
    Physical Review A, 96, 040303 (2017)
  • Reflections on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics
    Höhn P.
    Journal of Physics, 880, 012014 (2017)
  • Operational framework for quantum measurement simulability
    Guerini L., J. Bavaresco, M.T. Cunha, A. Acín
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58, 092102 (2017)
  • Comment on "Peres experiment using photons: No test for hypercomplex (quaternionic) quantum theories"
    Procopio L.M., L.A. Rozema, B. Dakic, P. Walther
    Physical Review A, 96, 036101 (2017)
  • Macroscopic Superpositions as Quantum Ground States
    Dakic B., M. Radonjic
    Physical Review Letters, 119, 090401 (2017)
  • Genuine-multipartite entanglement criteria based on positive maps
    Clivaz F., M. Huber, L. Lami, G. Murta
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58, 082201 (2017)
  • Most incompatible measurements for robust steering tests
    Bavaresco J., M.T. Quintino, L. Guerini, T.O. Maciel, D. Cavalcanti, M.T. Cunha
    Physical Review A, 96, 022110 (2017)
  • Autonomous Quantum Clocks: Does Thermodynamics Limit Our Ability to Measure Time?
    Erker P., M.T. Mitchison, R. Silva, M.P. Woods, N. Brunner, M. Huber
    Physical Review X, 7, 031022 (2017)
  • Quantifying high dimensional entanglement with two mutually unbiased bases
    Erker P., M. Krenn, M. Huber
    Quantum, 1, 22 (2017)
  • Distribution of high-dimensional entanglement via an intra-city free-space link
    Steinlechner F., S. Ecker, M. Fink, B. Liu, J. Bavaresco, M. Huber, T. Scheidl, R. Ursin
    Nature Communications, 8, 15971 (2017)
  • Sub-Shot-Noise Transmission Measurement Enabled by Active Feed-Forward of Heralded Single Photons
    Sabines-Chesterking J., R. Whittaker, S.K. Joshi, P.M. Birchall, P.A. Moreau, A. McMillan, H.V. Cable, J.L. O'Brien, J.G. Rarity, J.C.F. Matthews
    Phys. Rev. Appl., 8, ARTN 014016 (2017)
  • Twin-photon correlations in single-photon interference
    Lahiri M., A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G.B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review A, 96, 013822 (2017)
  • Flexible resources for quantum metrology
    Friis N., D. Orsucci, M. Skotiniotis, P. Sekatski, V. Dunjko, H.J. Briegel, W. Duer
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 063044 (2017)
  • Connecting processes with indefinite causal order and multi-time quantum states
    Silva R., Y. Guryanova, A.J. Short, P. Skrzypczyk, N. Brunner, S. Popescu
    New J. Phys., 19, ARTN 103022 (2017)
  • Light for the quantum. Entangled photons and their applications: a very personal perspective
    Zeilinger A.
    Physica Scripta, 92, 072501 (2017)
  • Can chaos be observed in quantum gravity?
    Dittrich B., P.A. Höhn, T.A. Koslowski, M.I. Nelson
    Physics Letters B, 769, 554-560 (2017)
  • Entanglement and Nonlocality in Infinite 1D Systems
    Wang Z., S. Singh, M. Navascués
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 230401 (2017)
  • On small beams with large topological charge: II. Photons, electrons and gravitational waves
    Krenn M., N. Tischler, A. Zeilinger
    New Journal of Physics, 20, 063006 (2017)
  • Quantum test of the equivalence principle for atoms in coherent superposition of internal energy states
    Rosi G., G. D'Amico, L. Cacciapuoti, F. Sorrentino, M. Prevedelli, M. Zych, C. Brukner, G.M. Tino
    Nature Communications, 8, 15529 (2017)
  • Focus on Gravitational Quantum Physics
    Aspelmeyer M., Č. Brukner, D. Giulini, G. Milburn
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 050401 (2017)
  • Bright nanoscale source of deterministic entangled photon pairs violating Bell's inequality
    K. D. Jöns, L. Schweickert, M. Versteegh, D. Dalacu, P. J. Poole, A. Gulinatti, A. Giudice, V. Zwiller, M. E. Reimer
    Scientific Reports, 7, 1700 (2017)
  • Experimental test of photonic entanglement in accelerated reference frames
    Fink M., A. Rodriguez-Aramendia, J. Handsteiner, A. Ziarkash, F. Steinlechner, T. Scheidl, I. Fuentes, J. Pienaar, T.C. Ralph, R. Ursin
    Nature Communications, 8, 15304 (2017)
  • A purification postulate for quantum mechanics with indefinite causal order
    Araújo M., A. Feix, M. Navascués, Č. Brukner
    Quantum, 1, 10 (2017)
  • Better local hidden variable models for two-qubit Werner states and an upper bound on the Grothendieck constant KG(3)
    Hirsch F., M.T. Quintino, T. Vértesi, M. Navascués, N. Brunner
    Quantum, 1, 3 (2017)
  • Single-photon test of hyper-complex quantum theories using a metamaterial
    Procopio L.M., L.A. Rozema, Z.J. Wong, D.R. Hamel, K. O'Brien, X. Zhang, B. Dakic, P. Walther
    Nature Communications, 8, 15044 (2017)
  • 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer using a flawed bit-string quantum protocol
    Martin Plesch, Marcin Pawłowski, Matej Pivoluska
    PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95, 042324 (2017)
  • CubeSat quantum communications mission
    Oi D.K.L., A. Ling, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, S. Greenland, E. Kerr, M. Macdonald, H. Weinfurter, H. Kuiper, E. Charbon, R. Ursin
  • Which causal structures might support a quantum-classical gap?
    Pienaar J.
    New J. Phys., 19, 043021 (2017)
  • Experimental verification of an indefinite causal order
    Rubino G., L.A. Rozema, A. Feix, M. Araújo, J.M. Zeuner, L.M. Procopio, Č. Brukner, P. Walther
    Science Advances, 3, 1602589 (2017)
  • Entanglement of quantum clocks through gravity
    Castro-Ruiz E., F. Giacomini, Č. Brukner
    PNAS, 114, E2303-E2309 (2017)
  • Partial Polarization by Quantum Distinguishability
    Lahiri M., A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review A, 95, 033816 (2017)
  • Quantifying Photonic High-Dimensional Entanglement
    Martin A., T. Guerreiro, A. Tiranov, S. Designolle, F. Frowis, N. Brunner, M. Huber, N. Gisin
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 110501 (2017)
  • Obtaining tight bounds on higher-order interferences with a 5-path interferometer
    Kauten T., R. Keil, T. Kaufmann, B. Press, Č. Brukner, G. Weihs
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 033017 (2017)
  • Interference fringes controlled by noninterfering photons
    Hochrainer A., M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
    OPTICA, 4, 341-344 (2017)
  • Quantum theory from rules on information acquisition
    Höhn P.
    Entropy, 19, 98 (2017)
  • A quantum router for high-dimensional entanglement
    Erhard M., M. Malik, A. Zeilinger
  • Entanglement by Path Identity
    Krenn M., A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 080401 (2017)
  • Time dilation in quantum systems and decoherence
    Pikovski I., M. Zych, F. Costa, Č. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 19, 025011 (2017)
  • Quantifying the momentum correlation between two light beams by detecting one
    Hochrainer A., M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. Barreto Lemos, A. Zeilinger
    PNAS, 114, 1508-1511 (2017)
  • No-Go Theorem for the Characterization of Work Fluctuations in Coherent Quantum Systems
    Perarnau-Llobet M., E. Baumer, K.V. Hovhannisyan, M. Huber, A. Acin
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 070601 (2017)
  • Composing decoherence functionals
    Boës P., M. Navascués
    Physical Review A, 95, 022114 (2017)
  • Cosmic Bell Test: Measurement Settings from Milky Way Stars
    Handsteiner J., A.S. Friedman, D. Rauch, J. Gallicchio, B. Liu, H. Hsop, J. Kofler, D. Bricher, M. Fink, C. Leung, A. Mark, H.T. Nguyen, I. Sanders, F. Steinlechner, R. Ursin, S. Wengerowsky, A.H. Guth, D.I. Kaiser, T. Scheidl, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 118, 060401 (2017)
  • Orbital angular momentum of photons and the entanglement of Laguerre-Gaussian modes
    Krenn M., M. Malik, A. Zeilinger
    Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A, 17 (2017)
  • Is the local linearity of space-time inherited from the linearity of probabilities?
    Müller M., S. Carrozza, P.A. Höhn
    Journal of Physics A, 50, 054003 (2017)
  • Quantum theory from questions
    Höhn P.A., C.S.P. Wever
    Physical Review A, 95, 012102 (2017)
  • Autonomous quantum refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture based on a Josephson junction
    Hofer P.P., M. Perarnau-Llobet, J.B. Brask, R. Silva, M. Huber, N. Brunner
    Physical Review B, 94, 235420 (2016)
  • Quantum Communication with Photons
    Krenn M., M. Malik, T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, A. Zeilinger
    In: Optics in our Time, Springer International Publishing (2016, 455-482)
  • Temporal Multimode Storage of Entangled Photon Pairs
    Tiranov A., P.C. Strassmann, J. Lavoie, N. Brunner, M. Huber, V.B. Verma, S.W. Nam, R.P. Mirin, A.E. Lita, F. Marsili, M. Afzelius, F. Bussieres, N. Gisin
    Physical Review Letters, 117, 240506 (2016)
  • Quantum entanglement of angular momentum states with quantum numbers up to 10,010
    Fickler R., G. Campbell, B. Buchler, P.K. Lam, A. Zeilinger
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 113, 13642-13647 (2016)
  • Twisted light transmission over 143 km
    Krenn M., J. Handsteiner, M. Fink, R. Fickler, R. Ursin, M. Malik, A. Zeilinger
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 13648-13653 (2016)
  • Quantum entanglement of angular momentum states with quantum number up to 10,010
    Fickler R., G. Campbell, B. Buchler, P.K. Lam, A. Zeilinger
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 13642-13647 (2016)
  • Indefinite causal structures for continuous-variable systems
    Giacomini F., E. Castro-Ruiz, Č. Brukner
    New J. Phys., 18, 113026 (2016)
  • Passivity and practical work extraction using Gaussian operations
    Brown E.G., N. Friis, M. Huber
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 113028 (2016)
  • Indefinite causal structures for continuous-variable systems
    Giacomini F., E. Castro-Ruiz, Č. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 113026 (2016)
  • New Dimensions for Entangled Photons: The Role of Information
    Zeilinger A., R. Bertlmann
    In: Quantum Unspeakables IIThe Frontiers Collection, Springer (2016, 503-518)
  • Quantifying Entanglement of Maximal Dimension in Bipartite Mixed States
    Sentis G., C. Eltschka, O. Guehne, M. Huber, J. Siewert
    Physical Review Letters, 117, 190502 (2016)
  • Quantum optical rotatory dispersion
    Tischler N., M. Krenn, R. Fickler, X. Vidal, A. Zeilinger, G. Molina-Terriza
    Science Advances, 2, 1601306 (2016)
  • Quantum optical rotatory dispersion
    Nora Tischler, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Xavier Vidal, Anton Zeilinger, Gabriel Molina-Terriza
    Science Advances, 2, e1601306 (2016)
  • Bipartite depolarizing maps
    Lami L., M. Huber
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57, 092201 (2016)
  • Exponential Communication Complexity Advantage from Quantum Superposition of the Direction of Communication
    Guérin P.A., A. Feix, M. Araújo, Č. Brukner
    Physical Review Letters, 117, 100502 (2016)
  • Causally nonseparable processes admitting a causal model
    Feix A., M. Araujo, Č. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 083040 (2016)
  • Should Entanglement Measures be Monogamous or Faithful?
    Lancien C., S. Di Martino, M. Huber, M. Piani, G. Adesso, A. Winter
    Physical Review Letters, 117, 060501 (2016)
  • Heisenberg-Weyl Observables: Bloch vectors in phase space
    Asadian A., P. Erker, M. Huber, C. Klockl
    Physical Review A, 94, 010301 (2016)
  • General relativistic effects in quantum interference of "clocks"
    Zych M., I. Pikovski, F. Costa, Č. Brukner
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 723, 012044 (2016)
  • Quantum and classical phases in optomechanics
    Armata F., L. Latmiral, I. Pikovski, M.R. Vanner, Č. Brukner, M.S. Kim
    Physical Review A, 93, 063862 (2016)
  • An operational approach to spacetime symmetries: Lorentz transformations from quantum communication
    Höhn P.A., M.P. Müller
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 063026 (2016)
  • Appearance of causality in process matrices when performing fixed-basis measurements for two parties
    Baumann V., Č. Brukner
    Physical Review A, 93, 062324 (2016)
  • Quantum optical rotatory dispersion
    Tischler N., M. Krenn, R. Fickler, X. Vidal, A. Zeilinger, G. Molina-Terriza
    SCIENCE ADVANCES, 2, ARTN e1601306 (2016)
  • Correlations between outcomes of random measurements
    Tran M.C., B. Dakic, W. Laskowski, T. Paterek
    Physical Review A, 94, 042302 (2016)
  • Weak-value amplification of the fast-light effect in rubidium vapor
    Mirhosseini M., G.I. Viza, O.S. Magana-Loaiza, M. Malik, J.C. Howell, R.W. Boyd
    Physical Review A, 93, 053836 (2016)
  • Cyclic transformation of orbital angular momentum modes
    Schlederer F., M. Krenn, R. Fickler, M. Malik, A. Zeilinger
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 043019 (2016)
  • Quantum intereference and imaging
    Lahiri M., C. Reimer, A. Zeilinger
    D Faccio, Dudley, J, Clerici, M, eds. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course 190 "Frontiers in Modern Optics" (2016)
  • Requirements for a loophole-free photonic Bell test using imperfect setting generators
    Kofler J., M. Giustina, J.-A. Larsson, M.W. Mitchell
    Physical Review A, 93, 032115 (2016)
  • Automated Search for new Quantum Experiments
    Krenn M., M. Malik, R. Fickler, R. Lapkiewicz, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 116, 090405 (2016)
  • Steering Maps and Their Application to Dimension-Bounded Steering
    Moroder T., O. Gittsovich, M. Huber, R. Uola, O. Guehne
    Physical Review Letters, 116, 090403 (2016)
  • Multi-photon entanglement in high dimensions
    Malik M., M. Erhard, M. Huber, M. Krenn, R. Fickler, A. Zeilinger
    Nature Photonics, 10, 248-252 (2016)
  • Frequency conversion of structured light
    Steinlechner F., N. Hermosa, V. Pruneri, J.P. Torres
    Scientific Reports, 6, 21390 (2016)
  • Reply to 'Questioning universal decoherence due to gravitational time dilation'
    Pikovski I., M. Zych, F. Costa, Č. Brukner
    Nature Physics, 12, 2-3 (2016)
  • Quantum interference in heterogeneous superconducting-photonic circuits on a silicon chip
    Schuck C., X. Guo, L. Fan, X. Ma, M. Poot, H.X. Tang
    Nature Communications, 7, 10352 (2016)
  • A Separable, Dynamically Local Ontological Model of Quantum Mechanics
    Pienaar J.
    Foundations of Physics, 46, 104-119 (2016)
  • The classical limit of a physical theory and the dimensionality of space
    Dakic B., Č. Brukner
    In: G Chiribella, Spekkens, RW, eds. Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils, Vol -Springer (2016, 249-282)
  • Macroscopic Locality
    Navascués M., G. Chiribella, R.W. Spekkens
    Fundamental Theories of Physics, 181, 439-463 (2016)
  • The simplest causal inequalities and their violation
    Branciard C., M. Araujo, A. Feix, F. Costa, Č. Brukner
    New Journal of Physics, 18, 013008 (2016)
  • Attacks on quantum key distribution protocols that employ non-ITS authentication
    Pacher C., A. Abidin, T. Lorünser, M. Peev, R. Ursin, A. Zeilinger, J.-Å. Larsson
    Quantum Information Processing, 15, 327-362 (2016)
  • Physical meaning of the radial index of Laguerre-Gauss beams
    Plick W.N., M. Krenn
    Physical Review A, 92, 063841 (2015)
  • Significant loophole-free test of Bell's theorem with entangled photons
    Giustina M., M.A.M. Versteegh, S. Wengerowsky, J. Handsteiner, A. Hochrainer, K. Phelan, F. Steinlechner, J. Kofler, J.-Å. Larsson, C. Abellán, W. Amaya, V. Pruneri, M.W. Mitchell, J. Beyer, T. Gerrits, A.E. Lita, L.K. Shalm, S.W. Nam, T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, B. Wittmann, A. Zeilinger
    Physical Review Letters, 115, 250401 (2015)
  • Significant-Loophole-Free Test of Bell's Theorem with Entangled Photons
    Giustina M., M.A.M. Versteegh, S. Wengerowsky, J. Handsteiner, A. Hochrainer, K. Phelan, F. Steinlechner, J. Kofler, J.-A. Larsson, C. Abellan, W. Amaya, V. Pruneri, M.W. Mitchell, J. Beyer, T. Gerrits, A.E. Lita, L.K. Shalm, S.W. Nam, T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, B. Wittmann, A. Zeilinger
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 250401 (2015)
  • Twisted photon entanglement through turbulent air across Vienna
    Krenn M., J. Handsteiner, M. Fink, R. Fickler, A. Zeilinger
    PNAS, 112, 14197-14201 (2015)
  • Quantum superposition of the order of parties as a communication resource
    Feix A., M. Araujo, Č. Brukner
    Physical Review A, 92, 052326 (2015)
  • Quantum entanglement from random measurements
    Minh Cong Tran, B. Dakic, F. Arnault, W. Laskowski, T. Paterek
    Physical Review A, 92, 050301 (2015)
  • Method for independent and continuous tuning of N lasers phase-locked to the same frequency comb
    Gunton W., M. Semczuk, K.W. Madison
    Optics Letters, 40, 4372-4375 (2015)
  • Preamble – Supervisor’s Foreword
    Zeilinger A.
    In: C Springer, ed. Quantum Entanglement of Complex Structures of Photons, (2015, 1-4)
  • Single pairs of time-bin-entangled photons
    Versteegh M.A.M., M.E. Reimer, A.A. van den Berg, G. Juska, V. Dimastrodonato, A. Gocalinska, E. Pelucchi, V. Zwiller
    Physical Review A, 92, 033802 (2015)
  • Experimental Superposition of Orders of Quantum Gates
    Procopio L.M., A. Moqanaki, M. Araújo, F. Costa, I.A. Calafell, E.G. Dowd, D.R. Hamel, L.A. Rozema, Č. Brukner, P. Walther
    Nature Communications, 6, 7913 (2015)
  • On the quantum measurement problem
    Brukner Č.
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  • A Simple and Robust Method for Estimating Afterpulsing in Single Photon Detectors
    Humer G., M. Peev, C. Schaeff, S. Ramelow, M. Stipcevic, R. Ursin
    J. Lightwave Technol., 33, 3098-3107 (2015)
  • Measuring time with physical clocks
    Castro-Ruiz E., F. Giacomini, Č. Brukner
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  • Characterizing finite-dimensional quantum behavior
    Navascues M., A. Feix, M. Araujo, T. Vertesi
    Phys. Rev. A, 92, 042117 (2015)
  • Witnessing causal nonseparability
    Araujo M., C. Branciard, F. Costa, A. Feix, C. Giarmatzi, Č. Brukner
    New J. Phys., 17, 102001 (2015)
  • Experimental access to higher-dimensional entangled quantum systems using integrated optics
    Schaeff C., R. Polster, M. Huber, S. Ramelow, A. Zeilinger
    OPTICA, 2, 523-529 (2015)
  • Universal decoherence due to gravitational time dilation
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