Miguel Navascues

Group Leader

Navascués Group


Telephone: +43 (1) 51581 - 9540

Room: 1.18

Biographical sketch

Professional experience

2015-present: Junior Group Leader, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Vienna, Austria.

2014-2015: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Bilkent University, Turkey.

2013-2014: Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Department of Theoretical Physics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

2011-2013: Research Associate, School of Physics, University of Bristol, U.K.

2009-2011: Research Associate, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

2008-2009: Research Associate, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College, U.K.

Academic studies

2003-2007: PhD studies at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), with postgraduate courses taken at the University of Barcelona. PhD thesis title: “Quantum Information in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces” (December, 2007).

1998-2003: Degree in Theoretical Physics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid - UCM.

Research interests

  • Quantum information science
  • The foundations of Physics
  • Quantum machines


Journal Publication (29)

Contribution in Newspaper/Magazine (1)