Markus Aspelmeyer
Scientific & Executive Director
Group Leader
Aspelmeyer Group
Email: Markus.Aspelmeyer(at)oeaw.ac.at
Room: 2.13
Biographical sketch
Professional Status
2019 – present: Scientific Director, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
2009 – present: Professor of Physics (Full Professor), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
2007 – 2009: Senior Scientist, IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
2005 – 2006: Junior Scientist, IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
2003 – 2006 Assistant Professor (Univ.-Ass.), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
2002 – 2003: Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Vienna (Host: Anton Zeilinger)
1999 – 2001: Research Assistant, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, Germany
2002: PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich,Germany (with J. Peisl)
2000: Bachelor (Bakk.-Phil.) in Philosophy, Munich School of Philosophy, Germany
1998: Diploma (Dipl.-Phys.) in Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
Journal Publication (103)
- Dago, Salambo; Rieser, J.; Ciampini, M. A.; Mlynar, V.; Kugi, A. et al. [..] (2024) Stabilizing nanoparticles in the intensity minimum: feedback levitation on an inverted potential. OPT EXPRESS, Bd. 32 (25), S. 45133-45141.
- Dare, Kahan; Hansen, Jannek J.; Coroli, Iurie; Johnson, Aisling; Aspelmeyer, Markus et al. [..] (2024) Ultrastrong linear optomechanical interaction. Phys. Rev. Research, Bd. 6 (4), S. L042025.
- Bengyat, Ofek; Di Biagio, Andrea; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Christodoulou, Marios (2024) Gravity Mediated Entanglement between Oscillators as Quantum Superposition of Geometries. Phys. Rev. D, Bd. 110 (5), S. 056046.
- Schmidt, Philip; Claessen, Remi; Higgins, Gerard; Hofer, Joachim; Hansen, Jannek J. et al. [..] (2024) Remote sensing of a levitated superconductor with a flux-tunable microwave cavity. Phys. Rev. Applied, Bd. 22 (1), S. 014078.
- Lindner, Stefan; Juschitz, Paul; Rieser, Jakob; Fein, Yaakov Y.; Debiossac, Maxime et al. [..] (2024) Hollow-core fiber loading of nanoparticles into ultra-high vacuum. Appl. Phys. Lett, Bd. 124 (14), S. 143501.
- Direkci, S.; Winkler, K.; Gut, C.; Hammerer, K.; Aspelmeyer, M. et al. [..] (2024) Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise. Phys. Rev. Research, Bd. 6 (1), S. 013175.
- Neumeier, Lukas; Ciampini, Mario A.; Romero-Isart, Oriol; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Kiesel, Nikolai (2024) Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential control. PNAS, Bd. 121 (4), S. e2306953121.
- Hofer, J.; Gross, R.; Higgins, G.; Huebl, H.; Kieler, O. F. et al. [..] (2023) High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures. PHYS REV LETT, Bd. 131 (4), S. ARTN 043603.
- Bibak, Fatemeh; Delić, Uroš; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Dakić, Borivoje (2023) Dissipative phase transitions in optomechanical systems. Phys. Rev. A, Bd. 107 (5), S. 053505.
- Christodoulou, Marios; Biagio, Andrea Di; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Brukner, Časlav; Rovelli, Carlo et al. [..] (2023) Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum Gravity. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 130 (10), S. 100202.
- Kaltenbaek, Rainer; Arndt, Markus; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Barker, Peter F.; Bassi, Angelo et al. [..] (2023) Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO). QUANTUM SCI TECHNOL, Bd. 8 (1), S. ARTN 014006.
- Khodaee, Ayub; Dare, Kahan; Johnson, Aisling; Delic, Uros; Aspelmeyer, Markus (2022) Dry launching of silica nanoparticles in vacuum. AIP ADVANCES, Bd. 12 (12), S. ARTN 125023.
- Rudolph, Henning; Delic, Uros; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Hornberger, Klaus; Stickler, Benjamin A. (2022) Force-Gradient Sensing and Entanglement via Feedback Cooling of Interacting Nanoparticles. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 129 (19), S. ARTN 193602.
- Rieser, Jakob; Ciampini, Mario A.; Rudolph, Henning; Kiesel, Nikolai; Hornberger, Klaus et al. [..] (2022) Tunable light-induced dipole-dipole interaction between optically levitated nanoparticles. Science, Bd. 377 (6609), S. 987-990.
- Magrini, Lorenzo; Camarena-Chavez, Victor A.; Bach, Constanze; Johnson, Aisling; Aspelmeyer, Markus (2022) Squeezed Light from a Levitated Nanoparticle at Room Temperature. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 129 (5), S. ARTN 053601.
- Gonzalez-Ballestero, C.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Novotny, L.; Quidant, R.; Romero-Isart, O. (2021) Levitodynamics: Levitation and control of microscopic objects in vacuum. Science, Bd. 374 (6564), S. 168-+.
- Magrini, Lorenzo; Rosenzweig, Philipp; Bach, Constanze; Deutschmann-Olek, Andreas; Hofer, Sebastian G. et al. [..] (2021) Real-time optimal quantum control of mechanical motion at room temperature. Nature, Bd. 595 (7867), S. 373–377 <'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03602-3'>.
- Weiss, T.; Roda-Llordes, M.; Torrontegui, E.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Romero-Isart, O. (2021) Large Quantum Delocalization of a Levitated Nanoparticle Using Optimal Control: Applications for Force Sensing and Entangling via Weak Forces. Phys. Rev. Lett., Bd. 127 (2), S. ARTN 023601.
- Westphal, T.; Hepach, H.; Pfaff, J.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2021) Measurement of gravitational coupling between millimetre-sized masses. Nature, Bd. 591, S. 225-228.
- Rakhubovsky, Andrey A.; Moore, Darren W.; Delic, Uros; Kiesel, Nikolai; Aspelmeyer, Markus et al. [..] (2020) Detecting Nonclassical Correlations in Levitated Cavity Optomechanics. Phys. Rev. Appl., Bd. 14, S. 054052.
- Gut, C.; Winkler, K.; Hoelscher-Obermaier, J.; Hofer, S. G.; Nia, R. Moghadas et al. [..] (2020) Stationary optomechanical entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and its measurement apparatus. Physical Review Research, Bd. 2, S. 033244.
- Delic, Uros; Grass, David; Reisenbauer, Manuel; Damm, Tobias; Weitz, Martin et al. [..] (2020) Levitated cavity optomechanics in high vacuum. Quantum Science and Technology, Bd. 5, S. 025006.
- Delic, Uros; Reisenbauer, Manuel; Dare, Kahan; Grass, David; Vuletic, Vladan et al. [..] (2020) Cooling of a levitated nanoparticle to the motional quantum ground state. Science, Bd. 367 (6480), S. 892.
- Delić, U.; Reisenbauer, M.; Dare, K.; Grass, D.; Vuletić, V. et al. [..] (2020) Cooling of a levitated nanoparticle to the motional quantum ground state. Science, Bd. 367, S. 892-895.
- Belenchia, Alessio; Wald, Robert M.; Giacomini, Flaminia; Castro Ruiz, Esteban; Brukner, Caslav et al. [..] (2019) Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum Superposition. International Journal of Modern Physics D, Bd. -, S. 1943001.
- Delic, Uros; Reisenbauer, Manuel; Grass, David; Kiesel, Nikolai; Vuletic, Vladan et al. [..] (2019) Cavity Cooling of a Levitated Nanosphere by Coherent Scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett., Bd. 122 (12), S. 123602.
- Belenchia, Alessio; Wald, Robert M.; Giacomini, Flaminia; Castro-Ruiz, Esteban; Brukner, Časlav et al. [..] (2018) Quantum superposition of massive objects and the quantization of gravity. Phys. Rev. D, Bd. 98, S. 126009.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Giulini, D.; Milburn, G. (2017) Focus on Gravitational Quantum Physics. New Journal of Physics, Bd. 19, S. 050401.
- Kaltenbaek, Rainer; Arndt, Markus; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Barker, Peter F.; Bassi, Angelo et al. [..] (2015) Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO): 2015 Update. EPJ Quantum Technology, Bd. 3, S. 5.
- Cole, G. D.; Zhang, W.; Martin, M. J.; Ye, J.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2013) Tenfold reduction of Brownian noise in high-reflectivity optical coatings. Nature Photonics, Bd. 7, S. 644-650.
- Machnes, S.; Cerrillo, J.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Wieczorek, W.; Plenio, M. B. et al. [..] (2012) Pulsed Laser Cooling for Cavity-Optomechnical Resonators. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 108, S. 153301.
- Pikovski, Igor; Vanner, Michael R.; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Kim, Myungshik; Brukner, Časlav (2012) Probing Planck-scale physics with quantum optics. Nature Physics, Bd. 8, S. 393–397.
- Kaltenbaek, R.; Hechenblaikner, G.; Kiesel, N.; Romero-Isart, O.; Schwab, K.C. et al. [..] (2012) Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO). Experimental Astronomy, Bd. 34, S. 123-164.
- Vanner, M. R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Kim, M. S. (2012) Quantum State Orthogonalization and a Toolset for Quantum Optomechanical Phonon Control. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 110, S. 010504.
- Pikovski, I.; Vanne, M. R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Kim, M. S.; Brukner., C. (2012) Probing Planck-scale physics with quantum optics. Nature Physics, Bd. 8, S. 393–397.
- Hofer, S.; Wieczorek, W.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Hammerer, K. (2011) Quantum entanglement and teleportation in pulsed cavity optomechanics. Physical Review A, Bd. 84, S. 052327.
- Cole, G. D.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2011) Mechanical memory sees the light. Nature Nanotechnology, Bd. 6, S. 690-691.
- Vanner, M.; Pikovski, I.; Cole, G.; Kim, M. S.; Brukner, Č. et al. [..] (2011) Pulsed Quantum Optomechanics. PNAS, Bd. 108 (39), S. 16182-16187.
- Romero-Isart, O.; Pflanzer, A. C.; Blaser, F.; Kaltenbaek, R.; Kiesel, N. et al. [..] (2011) Large Quantum Superpositions and Interference of Massive Nano-Objects. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 107, S. 020405.
- Chan, J.; Mayer Alegre, T. P.; Safavi-Naeini, A. H.; Hill, J. T.; Krause, A. et al. [..] (2011) Laser cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state. Nature, Bd. 478, S. 89-92.
- Cole, G. D.; Wilson-Rae, I.; Werbach, K.; Vanner, M.R.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2011) Phonon-tunnelling dissipation in mechanical resonators. Nature Communications, Bd. 2, S. 231.
- Romero-Isart, O.; Pflanzer, A. C.; Juan, M. L.; Quidant, R.; Kiesel, N. et al. [..] (2011) Optically Levitating Dielectrics in the Quantum Regime: Theory and Protocols. Phys. Rev. A, Bd. 83 (013803), S. 013803.
- Brodoceanu, D.; D.Cole, G.; N.Kiesel; M.Aspelmeyer; D.Bäuerle (2010) Femtosecond laser fabrication of high reflectivity micromirrors. Applied Physics Letters, Bd. 97, S. 041104.
- Zeilinger, A.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2010) Une incroyable illusion de réalité. Les Dossiers de la Recherche, Bd. 38, S. 18-21.
- Akram, U.; Kiesel, N.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Milburn, G.J. (2010) Single-photon opto-mechanics in the strong coupling regime. New Journal of Physics, Bd. 12, S. 083030.
- Aspelmeyer, M. (2010) Quantum mechanics: The surf is up. Nature, Bd. 464, S. 685-686.
- Cole, G. D.; Bai, Y.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Fitzgerald, E. A. (2010) Free-standing AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures by gas-phase etching of germanium. Applied Physics Letters, Bd. 96, S. 261102.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Gröblacher, S.; Hammerer, K.; Kiesel, N. (2010) Quantum optomechanics - throwing a glance. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Bd. 27 (6), S. A189-A197.
- Paterek, T.; Kofler, J.; Prevedel, R.; Klimek, P.; Aspelmeyer, M. et al. [..] (2010) Logical independence and quantum randomness. New Journal of Physics, Bd. 12, S. 013019.
- Fedrizzi, A.; Herbst, T.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Barbieri, M.; Jennewein, T. et al. [..] (2009) Anti-symmetrization reveals hidden entanglement. New Journal of Physics, Bd. 11, S. 103052.
- Arndt, M.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2009) How to extend quantum experiments. Fortschr. Phys., Bd. 57, S. 1153-1162.
- Gröblacher, S.; Hammerer, K.; Vanner, M.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2009) Observation of strong coupling between a micromechanical resonator and an optical cavity field. Nature.
- Gröblacher, S.; Hertzberg, J.; Vanner, M.; Cole, G.; Gigan, S. et al. [..] (2009) Demonstration of an ultracold micro-optomechanical oscillator in a cryogenic cavity. Nature Physics.
- Jennewein, T.; Ursin, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2009) Performing high-quality multi-photon experiments with parametric down-conversion. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., S. 114008 (7pp).
- Gröblacher, S.; Hammerer, K.; Vanner, M. R.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2009) Observation of strong coupling between a micromechanical resonator and an optical cavity field. Nature, Bd. 460, S. 724-727.
- Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Quantum tomography: Measured measurement. Nature Physics.
- Kaltenbaek, R.; Prevedel, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2008) High-fidelity entanglement swapping with fully independent sources. Phys. Rev. A, S. 040302(R).
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Eisert, J. (2008) Quantum mechanics: Entangled families. Nature.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2008) A quantum renaissance. Physics World, Bd. July 2008, S. 22-28.
- Cole, G. D.; Gröblacher, S.; Gugler, K.; Gigan, S.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Monocrystalline AlxGa1−xAs heterostructures for high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical resonators in the megahertz regime. Applied Physics Letters, Bd. 92, S. 261108.
- Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Quantenkommunikation mit Zwischenspeicher. Physik Journal.
- Zeilinger, A.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Des photons qui défient le réel. La Recherche.
- Gröblacher, S.; Gigan, S.; Böhm, H.; Zeilinger, A.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Radiation-pressure self-cooling of a micromirror in a cryogenic environment. Europhys. Lett., Bd. 81, S. 54003.
- Cole, G.; Gröblacher, S.; Gugler, K.; Gigan, S.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Monocrystalline AlxGa1−xAs heterostructures for high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical resonators in the megahertz regime. Appl. Phys. Lett., S. 261108.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Schwab, K. C. (2008) Focus on Mechanical Systems at the Quantum Limit. New Journal of Physics, S. 095001.
- Furch, B.; de Matos, C. J.; Minster, O.; Cacciapuoti, L.; Pfennigbauer, M. et al. [..] (2008) Quantum communications at ESA: Towards a space experiment on the ISS. Acta Astronautica, Bd. 63, S. 165-178.
- Villoresi, P.; Jennewein, T.; Tamburini, F.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Bonato, C. et al. [..] (2008) Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth. New Journal of Physics.
- Calarco, T.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Binosi, D.; Blatt, R.; Zeilinger, A. et al. [..] (2008) A quantum leap in computing power. Public Service Review: European Union.
- Paternostro, M.; Vitali, D.; Gigan, S.; Kim, M. S.; Brukner, Č. et al. [..] (2007) Creating and probing macroscoping entanglement with light. Physical Review Letters, Bd. 99, S. 250401.
- Walther, P.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2007) Heralded generation of multi-photon entanglement. Physical Review A, Bd. 75, S. 012313.
- Vitali, D.; Gigan, S.; Ferreira, A.; Böhm, H.; Tombesi, P. et al. [..] (2007) Optomechanical entanglement between a movable mirror and a cavity field. Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Paternostro, M.; Vitali, D.; Gigan, S.; Kim, M. S.; Brukner, Č. et al. [..] (2007) Creating and probing macroscopic entanglement with light. Physical Review Letters.
- Gröblacher, S.; Paterek, T.; Kaltenbaek, R.; Brukner, Č.; Zukowski, M. et al. [..] (2007) An experimental test of non-local realism. Nature.
- Prevedel, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Jennewein, T.; Zeilinger, A. (2007) Photonic entanglement as a resource in quantum computation and quantum communication. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Bd. 24, S. 241-248.
- Aspelmeyer, M. (2007) Quantum Optics: Enlightened Chips. Nature Photonics.
- Paterek, T.; Fedrizzi, A.; Gröblacher, S.; Jennewein, T.; Zukowski, M. et al. [..] (2007) Experimental test of non-local realistic theories without the rotational symmetry assumption. Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Walther, P.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2007) Heralded generation of multiphoton entanglement. Phys. Rev. A.
- Gigan, S.; Böhm, H.; Paternostro, M.; Blaser, F.; Langer, G. et al. [..] (2006) Self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure. Nature.
- Kaltenbaek, R.; Blauensteiner, B.; Zukowski, M.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2006) Experimental interference of independent photons. Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Böhm, H.R.; Gigan, S.; F.Blaser; A.Zeilinger; M.Aspelmeyer (2006) High reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg mirror. Applied Physics Letters, Bd. 89, S. 223101.
- Paternostro, M.; Gigan, S.; Kim, M. S.; Blaser, F.; Böhm, H. et al. [..] (2006) Reconstructing the dynamics of a movable mirror in a detuned optical cavity. New Journal of Physics.
- Bonato, C.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Pernechele, C.; Villoresi, P. et al. [..] (2006) Influence of satellite motion on polarization qubits in a Space-Earth quantum communication link. Opt. Express, Bd. 14, S. 10050.
- Böhm, H.; Gigan, S.; Langer, G.; Hertzberg, J.; Blaser, F. et al. [..] (2006) A high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg-mirror. Appl. Phys. Lett., Bd. 89, S. 223101.
- Bonato, C.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Pernechele, C.; Villoresi, P. et al. [..] (2006) Influence of satellite motion on polarization qubits in a Space-Earth quantum communication link. Opt. Express, Bd. 14, S. 10050-10059.
- Brukner, Č.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Complementarity and Information in "Delayed-choice for entanglement swapping". arXiv: quant-ph Foundations of Physics, Bd. 35, S. 1909–1919.
- Walther, P.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Resch, K. J.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Experimental Violation of a Cluster State Bell Inequality. Phys. Rev. Lett., Bd. 95, S. 020403.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Weihs, G.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Physik der Photonen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Bd. 1, S. 64-69.
- Scarani, V.; Acín, A.; Schenck, E.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2005) Nonlocality of cluster states of qubits. Phys. Rev. A.
- Walther, P.; Resch, K. J.; Rudolph, T.; Schenck, E.; Vedral, V. et al. [..] (2005) Experimental One-Way Quantum Computing. Nature, S. 169-176.
- Jennewein, T.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Experimental Proposal of Switched "Delayed-Choice" for Entanglement Swapping. International Journal of Quantum Information.
- Weihs, G.; Zeilinger, A.; Jennewein, T.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2005) Happy Centenary, Photon. Nature.
- Brukner, Č.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Complementarity and Information in "Delayed-Choice for Entanglement Swapping". Foundations of Physics.
- Pfennigbauer, M.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Leeb, W.; Baister, G.; Dreischer, T. et al. [..] (2005) Satellite-based quantum communication terminal employing state-of-the-art technology. JON.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Weihs, G.; Zeilinger, A. (2005) Physik der Photonen, Sterne und Weltraum. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Bd. 1, S. 64-69.
- Jennewein, T.; Ursin, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Experimental teleportation of quantum entanglement with an optimal linear optics Bell-state analyzer.
- Ursin, R.; Jennewein, T.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Kaltenbaek, R.; Lindenthal, M. et al. [..] (2004) Quantum teleportation across the Danube. Nature.
- Walther, P.; Pan, J.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Ursin, R.; Gasparoni, S. et al. [..] (2004) De Broglie Wavelength of a Nonlocal Four-Photon state. Nature.
- Villoresi, P.; Tamburini, F.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Ursin, R.; Pachello, C. et al. [..] (2004) Space-to-ground Quantum-communication Using An Optical Ground Station. Proceedings of SPIE.
- Jennewein, T.; Ursin, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Demonstration of optimal linear-optics quantum teleportation.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Böhm, H.; Gyatso, T.; Jennewein, T.; Kaltenbaek, R. et al. [..] (2003) Long-Distance Free-Space Distribution of Quantum Entanglement. Science.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Pfennigbauer, M.; Leeb, W.; Zeilinger, A. (2003) Long-Distance Quantum Communication with Entangled Photons using Satellites. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
- Pan, J.; Gasparoni, S.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Zeilinger, A. (2003) Experimental Realization of Freely Propagating Teleported Qubits. Nature.
- Aspelmeyer, M. (1998) Oberflächenphänomene der Martensitischen Phasenumwandlung in Ni_{0.63}Al_{0.37} Mittels Synchrotronstrahlung unter Streifendem Einfall und Laser-Beugung.
Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (11)
- Cole, G. D.; Wilson-Rae, I.; Vanner, M. R.; Gröblacher, S.; Pohl, J. et al. [..] (2010) Megahertz monocrystalline optomechnaical resonators with minimal dissipation., 2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) (IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)), S. 847-850.
- Ursin, R.; Jennewein, T.; Kofler, J.; Perdigues Armengol, J. M.; de Matos, C. J. et al. [..] (2008) Space-QUEST. Experiments with quantum entanglement in space., 2008 IAC Microgravity Sciences and Processes Symposium (2008 IAC Microgravity Sciences and Processes Symposium).
- Perdigues Armengol, J. M.; Furch, B.; de Matos, C. J.; Minster, O.; Cacciapuoti, L. et al. [..] (2007) Quantum communication at ESA: Towards a space experiment on the ISS. (58th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)).
- Perdigues Armengol, J. M.; de Matos, C. J.; Leeb, W.; Pfennigbauer, M.; Neckamm, G. et al. [..] (2005) Accommodation of a quantum communication transceiver in an optical terminal., Proceedings of the OPTRO 2005 International Symposium.
- Lindenthal, Michael; Jennewein, Thomas; Ursin, Rupert; Aspelmeyer, Markus; Kaltenbaek, Rainer et al. [..] (2004) Measurement and active compensation of polarization drifts in a fiber quantum channel used for teleportation. In: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference (2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference); Munich: IEEE, S. 368.
- M. Aspelmeyer, T. Jennewein, P. Walther, A. Zeilinger (2004) Nonlocal Photon Nummer States for Quantum Metrology., Spie-Conference, Denver 2004 (Quantum Imaging).
- Kaltenbaek, R.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. et al. [..] (2004) Proof-of-concept experiments for quantum physics in space., Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Walther, P.; Jennewein, T.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Nonlocal Photon Number States for Quantum Metrology., Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging II.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Entangled Photons and Quantum Communication., Quantum Entanglement and Information Processing.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Entangled photons and quantum communication,., Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School 2003.
- Pfennigbauer, M.; Leeb, W.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Jennewein, T.; Zeilinger, A. (2003) Free-Space Optical Quantum Key Distribution Using Intersatellite Links., CNES - Intersatellite Link Workshop.
Conference Contribution: Poster (in Proceedings) (6)
- Cole, G.; Gröblacher, S.; Gugler, K.; Gigan, S.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Epitaxial Bragg mirrors for MHz micromechanical resonators (Poster). Gordon Research Conference on Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime.
- Gigan, S.; Paternostro, M.; Vitali, D.; Böhm, H.; Blaser, F. et al. [..] (2006) From self cooling to entanglement of a micromirror (Poster). Workshop on Quantum Electromechanical Systems (QEM-2).
- Blaser, F.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Böhm, H.; Gigan, S.; Gröblacher, S. et al. [..] (2006) Opto-Mechanical Coupling with Micro-Mirrors: Towards Mechanical Quantum States (Poster). Les Houches Pre-Doc School on Laser Cooling and Bose-Einstein Condensation.
- Böhm, H.; Gigan, S.; Blaser, F.; Paternostro, M.; Aspelmeyer, M. et al. [..] (2006) Radiation Pressure Cooling of a Mechanical Oscillator (Poster). FWF Hearing "Vienna Graduate School for Complex Quantum Systems".
- Gigan, S.; Böhm, H.; Blaser, F.; Paternostro, M.; Aspelmeyer, M. et al. [..] (2006) Radiation pressure cooling of a micromechanical oscillator (Poster). The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC).
- Böhm, H.; Gigan, S.; Blaser, F.; Paternostro, M.; Zeilinger, A. et al. [..] (2006) Radiation pressure cooling of a micromechanical oscillator (Poster). Workshop on Quantum Electromechanical Systems (QEM-2).
Contribution in Collection (9)
- Aspelmeyer, Markus (2022) When Zeh Meets Feynman: How to Avoid the Appearance of a Classical World in Gravity Experiments. In: Kiefer, Claus (Hrsg.), From Quantum to Classical. Essays in Honour of H.-Dieter Zeh; Cham: Springer, S. 85-95.
- Aspelmeyer, Markus; Zeilinger, Anton (2012) Light on Quantum Physics from Experiments with Quanta of Light., Light from Light. Scientists and Theologians in Dialogue: W.M.B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Böhm, H. R.; Fedrizzi, A.; Gasparoni, S.; Jennewein, T. et al. [..] (2006) Advanced Quantum Communications Experiments with Entangled Photons. In: Sergienko, Alexander V. (Hrsg.), Quantum Communications and Cryptography; Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, S. 45-81.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Böhm, H. R.; Fedrizzi, A.; Gasparoni, S.; Jennewein, T. et al. [..] (2006) Advanced Quantum Communication Experiments with Entangled Photons. In: Sergienko, A. (Hrsg.), Quantum Communications and Cryptography; Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.
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- Aspelmeyer, M.; Klemradt, U. (2005) Ferroelektrizität., Effekte der Physik und ihre Anwendungen.
- Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Entangled Photons And Quantum Communication., Quantum Entanglement and Information Processing.
- Measurement of gravitational coupling between millimetre-sized masses. T. Westphal, H. Hepach, J. Pfaff, M. Aspelmeyer. Nature 591, 225-228 (2021).
Workingpaper (1)
Other Publication (12)
- Winkler, Klemens; Zasedatelev, Anton V.; Stickler, Benjamin A.; Delić, Uroš; Deutschmann-Olek, Andreas et al. [..] (2024) Steady-state entanglement of interacting masses in free space through optimal feedback control. arXiv:quant-ph, Bd. 2408.07492 [quant-ph].
- Poddubny, Alexander N.; Winkler, Klemens; Stickler, Benjamin A.; Delić, Uroš; Aspelmeyer, Markus et al. [..] (2024) Nonequilibrium entanglement between levitated masses under optimal control. arXiv:quant-ph, Bd. 2408.06251 [quant-ph].
- Direkci, Su; Winkler, Klemens; Gut, Corentin; Hammerer, Klemens; Aspelmeyer, Markus et al. [..] (2023) Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise. arXiv:quant-ph, Bd. 2309.12532 [quant-ph].
- Dare, Kahan; Hansen, Jannek J.; Coroli, Iurie; Johnson, Aisling; Aspelmeyer, Markus et al. [..] (2023) Linear Ultrastrong Optomechanical Interaction. arXiv:quant-ph, Bd. 2305.16226 [quant-ph].
- Pikovski, I.; Brukner, Č.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2012) Ein quantenoptischer Blick auf die Planck-Skala?. Physik in unserer Zeit, Bd. 43 (4), S. 163-164.
- Aspelmeyer, Markus; Brukner, Časlav; Zeilinger, Anton (2012) Festschrift Dedicated to Daniel Greenberger and Helmut Rauch - Editorial. Foundations of Physics, Bd. 42 (1), S. 1-3.
- Paterek, T.; Kofler, J.; Prevedel, R.; Klimek, P.; Aspelmeyer, M. et al. [..] (2008) Logical independence and quantum randomness. arXiv:0811.4542 [quant-ph].
- Fedrizzi, A.; Herbst, T.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Barbieri, M.; Jennewein, T. et al. [..] (2008) Detection of hidden entanglement by photon anti-bunching. E-print quant-ph.
- Cole, G.; Gröblacher, S.; Gugler, K.; Gigan, S.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2008) Monocrystalline AlGaAs heterostructures for high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical resonators in the MHz regime. E-print cond-mat.
- Genes, C.; Vitali, D.; Tombesi, P.; Gigan, S.; Aspelmeyer, M. (2007) Ground-state cooling of a micromechanical oscillator:comparing cold damping and cavity-assisted cooling schemes.
- Böhm, H.; Böhm, P. S.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Exploiting the randomness of the measurement basis in quantum cryptography: Secure Quantum Key Growing without Privacy Amplification.
- Böhm, H.; Böhm, P. S.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Brukner, Č.; Zeilinger, A. (2004) Quantum Key Growing without Privacy Amplification.