The Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations recognizes outstanding and influential research contributions to the foundations of quantum physics. The award aims to raise awareness for the quantum foundations field and draw attention to new and interesting achievements in this area without delay. It is awarded for the most significant paper in the foundations of quantum physics, theoretical or experimental, published in a peer-reviewed journal in the five calendar years before the prize call (i.e., this year, we will accept submissions published between January 1st, 2018, and December 31st, 2022). Other than that, papers from all areas in the foundations of quantum physics and by authors of any background will be eligible for the award.
For the detailed rules, please click here.
Last year's prize was awarded to Marc-Olivier Renou, David Trillo, Mirjam Weilenmann, Thinh P. Le, Armin Tavakoli, Nicolas Gisin, Antonio Acín, and Miguel Navascués for the paper:
"Quantum theory based on real numbers can be experimentally falsified,” Nature 600, 625 (2021)
Nominations and self-nominations for the present call are to include a copy of the nominated publication and a short (2-3 paragraph) statement of the relevance of the contribution. In the case of single-author publications, the name and contact information of the author are to be given. In the case of multi-author publications, a representative author who will officially accept the Ehrenfest Award in person shall be named with their contact information. Consent from all authors as to which author will serve as the representative for the publication shall be obtained by the nominator, and a short confirmation to that effect should be included with the nomination.
The 2023 selection committee will consist of:
* Lucien Hardy, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada
* Urbasi Sinha, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India
* Philip Goyal, State University of New York at Albany, USA
* Marcin Pawlowski, University of Gdansk, Poland
* Borivoje Dakić, University of Vienna & IQOQI Vienna, Austria
Borivoje Dakić will coordinate the selection process at IQOQI Vienna, and we are looking forward to receiving your nomination or self-nomination at borivoje.dakic(at) until September 30, 2023. Please use "Ehrenfest Award: Nomination" as the subject of your e-mail.
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