"QuantumGain - An Austrian deep tech, hidden champion for superconducting quantum computer hardware" is led by Philip Schmidt, a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Markus Aspelmeyer at IQOQI Vienna, and will start in April. It is the only funded project from the last call that takes place at a non-university research institution, the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
“Quantum computers, with their quantumbits, can be envisioned as a big orchestra. The quantumbits represent the various instruments, each with its own tones and frequencies. However, a quantum orchestra must not be audible, so it plays very quietly and requires amplification. In the course of our research, we have discovered how to build an amplifier that is particularly well-suited for quantum computers", explains Philip Schmidt. As an FFG Fellow, he now has 18 months to develop a corresponding prototype, together with a project team including Ugur Sezer and Martin Zemlicka. After that, QuantumGain is set to become a startup. "Personally, I like the symbiosis of basic research and technological development in this project", adds Philip, "because ultimately, we also need this technology to advance our research in quantum sensing."
With the 'Spin-Off Fellowships' funding program, the FFG aims to strengthen Austria's economic landscape. The goal is to support the utilization of intellectual property at universities and research institutions at the earliest possible stage, facilitating the founding of companies following the project period.
Details about the funding program can be found at www.ffg.at/spin-off-fellowships
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