Quantum clocks, conditional probabilities, and probabilistic time dilation
In this talk I will introduce an operational formulation of quantum theory known as the conditional probability interpretation of time (CPI) in which time is defined in terms of an observable on a quantum system functioning as a clock; in some contexts, the CPI is known as the Page and Wootters mechanism. This clock and a system of interest do not evolve with respect to an external time, but instead, they are entangled and as a consequence a relational dynamics between the system and clock emerges. I will present a generalization of the CPI relevant when the clock and system interact, which should be expected when the gravitational interaction between them is taken into account. I will demonstrate how such clock-system interactions result in a time-nonlocal modification to the Schrödinger equation. I will then examine relativistic particles with internal degrees of freedom which constitute a clock that tracks their proper time. By examining the conditional probability associated with two such clocks reading different proper times, I will show that these clocks exhibit both classical and quantum time dilation effects. Moreover, I will show that the Helstrom-Holevo lower bound requires that these clocks satisfy a time-energy uncertainty relation between the proper time they estimate and their rest mass.
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