Non-local quantum interference controlled by an undetected photon and integrated photonics for quantum network

In the first part of this talk, I will introduce our recent work on multiphoton non-local quantum interference controlled by an undetected photon [1], in which we demonstrate multiphoton non-local quantum interference that does not require entanglement of any intrinsic properties of the photons. With the intrinsic indistinguishability in the generation process of photons, we realize four-photon frustrated quantum interference. This allows us to observe the noteworthy difference to quantum entanglement: We control the non-local multipartite quantum interference with a photon that we never detect, which does not require quantum entanglement.
In the second part of my talk, I will present our recent endeavors in developing functional nodes for quantum information processing based on integrated optics architecture and their potential applications in a metropolitan fiber network.
They include:
1. Heterogeneously integrated, superconducting silicon-photonic chip for quantum key distribution [2];
2. Solid-state quantum memory at telecom wavelength [3].
3. Generation and manipulation of multiphoton entangled states [4].
Qian, K. et al. Multiphoton non-local quantum interference controlled by an undetected photon. Nat Commun14, 1480 (2023).
Zheng, X. et al. Heterogeneously integrated, superconducting silicon-photonic platform for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution. Adv Photonics3, 055002–055002 (2021).
Ming-Hao Jiang, Wenyi Xue, Qian He, Yu-Yang An, Xiaodong Zheng, Wen-Jie Xu, Wenjun Wen, Yu-Bo Xie, Yanqing Lu, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma. Quantum storage of entangled photons at telecom wavelengths in a crystal.
Chen, L. et al. On-Chip Generation and Collectively Coherent Control of the Superposition of the Whole Family of Dicke States. Phys. Rev. Lett.130, 223601 (2023).
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