Pepijn W.H. Pinkse
University of Twente
Quantum optics with complex media
In "Adaptive Quantum Optics”, adaptive optical methods counteract or even exploit disorder. We have used that to show that with wavefront modulators, multiple-scattering materials can be turned into programmable linear optical networks. The simplest example of a 2x2 network, i.e., a beam splitter, already yields surprising results. In such a network we demonstrate programmable Hong-Ou-Mandel-type two-photon quantum interference. These multiple-scattering materials can also be used as physical authentication keys in quantum protocols. More recently we have studied the transmission of few-photon light pulses through multimode fibers opening up perspectives for authenticated communication.
Claudio Conti
Sapienza University of Rome
Pseudo-quantum gravity: quantum gravity simulation by nonlinear optics
We show that some of the ideas developed to study quantum mechanics at the Planck scale can be used to describe the propagation of subwavelength beams in nonlinear media. It turns out that nonlinear optics may be useful to simulate models of quantized gravity and generalized Heisenberg principles.
Giulia Marucci
Sapienza University of Rome
Quantum control of quantum solitons
Quantum soliton evolution and highly nonclassical supercontinuum generation are noteworthy challenges in nonlinear quantum optics, which can be addressed by current quantum control techniques, such as chopped random basis optimization (CRAB). Optical quantum solitons are the quantum counterpart of the self-localized propagation-invariant optical classical solitons. Surprisingly, the evolution in the quantum regime is characterized by spreading. We control quantum solitons by computing an optimal time-dependent perturbation to the Hamiltonian, achievable by dispersion or nonlinearity management in an optical fiber. By combining stochastic partial differential equations and CRAB, we look for the optimal control to limit quantum spreading and maximize supercontinuum generation.
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