Hot Schrödinger Cat States

In this study, we prepare a non-classical state originating from a mixed state, utilising dynamics that preserve the initial purity of the state (i.e. without removing entropy or purifying the system with measurement). We generate a Schrödinger cat state within a circuit quantum electrodynamics setup [1], in which a transmon is coupled to a high coherence microwave cavity. We initialise the cavity with a thermal state of up to nth=7.6(2) average photons, equalling a purity of 0.05 or a mode temperature of up to 1.8 Kelvin, which is sixty times hotter than its physical environment. Hot Schrödinger's cat states are deterministically prepared with two protocols [2,3]. Our realisation of non-pure but quantum coherent superposition states could guide the preparation of similar states in other continuous-variable quantum systems. Wigner function measurements confirm the quantum coherent nature of the prepared states through the observation of interference fringes and Wigner negativities.
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