Flat space/spacetime from Quantum Mechanics

In the present talk, after recalling the original ideas, we report on two extensions of this result [2-4]: how the metric structure of the Euclidean 3-space and of the flat Minkowski space can be recovered in the classical limit from quantum mechanics using only the observables of abstract (algebraic form of) quantum mechanics.
[1] R. Penrose, Combinatorial quantum theory and quantized directions, in {\it Advances in Twistor Theory}, Eds. L. P. Houghston, R. S. Ward, Pitman Publishing Ltd, London 1979
[2] L. B. Szabados, A note on Penrose's Spin-Geometry Theorem and the geometry of 'empirical quantum angles', Found. Phys. vol. 52, 96 (2022), arXiv: 2112.14538 [gr-qc]
[3] L. B. Szabados, Three-space from quantum mechanics, Found. Phys. vol 52, 102 (2022), arXiv: 2203.04827 [quant-ph]
[4] L. B. Szabados, Minkowski space from quantum mechanics, Found. Phys. vol. 54, 24 (2024), arXiv: 2309.06150 [quant-ph]
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