Analytical Approach to Gain Ripples and Novel Phase-Matching Designs in TWPA

Strongly nonlinear meta waveguides are employed as broadband parametric amplifiers. Such waveguides can also be used to generate squeezed states and produce entangled photon pairs. There are two key points to design in the traveling wave parametric amplifier, impedance matching to minimize ripples in the gain profile, and phase matching to maximize the gain. Although the nonlinear processes are well understood, reflection arising from the joints between linear and nonlinear media degrades the device’s performance.
We provide an analytical description of the reflected waves in the nonlinear media, which can be used in the amplifier design to reduce unwanted gain ripples of the amplifier [1]. Furthermore, we present the design of a novel Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier with plasma oscillation phase-matching [2].
[1] Kern, S., et al. "Reflection-enhanced gain in traveling-wave parametric amplifiers." Physical Review B 107.17 (2023): 174520.
[2] Rizvanov, E., et al. "Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifiers with plasma oscillation phase matching." Journal of Applied Physics 136.17 (2024).
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